Chapter 7 Act I

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"No way, is that who I think it is?!"

You and Heizou stopped and turned around. Your eyes slightly widened at the sight of a brunette wearing a red ribbon on her head that matches the color of her uniform. You were very familiar of the uniform and the person herself.

"Amber!" You rushed towards the brunette and hugged her tight, she too was overjoyed and hugged back.

"It's been so long! Everyone was so worried about you, y/n! You said you were just gonna have a short vacation at Liyue and Inazuma but all of a sudden you suddenly disappeared without ever contacting us for a whole year.." Amber slowly pulled away from the hug to look at you, then she noticed the detective's presence. "Oh- you must be a friend of y/n! I'm Amber, the outrider of the Knights of Favonius. Mondstadt welcomes you!" She approached the redhead detective and reached her hand out for a handshake, to which Heizou gladly accepted.

"Shikanoin Heizou, Detective of the Tenryou Commission from Inazuma" He introduced himself with a smile while shaking Amber's hand.

"Oho, a detective? That's pretty cool! I read from y/n's letter that she managed to get herself a job at a Detective Agency during her stay in Inazuma. Are you perhaps her superior?"

"Unfortunately no, the agency she used to work in is entirely different from the establishment I worked in. Although we both collaborated from time to time and solved cases together"

"Oh, I see! I'm glad that y/n managed to find someone to get along with. I was really worried that she would wind up all alone while she was stranded"

"Geez Amber, you don't have to worry so much. I'm an adult now, I can handle myself" You placed your hands on your hips as you pouted.

The brunette chuckled at your complaint. "Just let me worry about you once in a while. Anyways, I'll be off to help Master Jean with the preparations. I'll let everyone know that you've returned!" As she was about to run off, you immediately reached out to stop her.

"A-Amber wait!"

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"Could you uhm... not tell everyone about my arrival just yet..? I actually wanted to surprise them"

The brunette pondered for a moment then hammered her hand on her other palm. "Oh! I get what you mean! Gotcha, I'll keep this a secret between us~ See ya, y/n and Heizou!" She waved as she ran off towards the city. You waved back as you chuckled at your old friend.

"I noticed that you've been acquainted with rather energetic and uplifting people. Not that it's a bad thing, just pointing it out" The redhead detective remarked with a chuckle.

"Oh, you definitely haven't seen the rest of my friends yet. Not every one of them is as energetic as Amber though" You sheepishly chuckled then the both of you decided to enter the city.

Your eyes glimmered in excitement and delight upon seeing your hometown after being away for a long time. "So many things haven't changed. It's pretty much almost the same as the time before I left"

"Your nation really does live up to its title. I can feel the freedom that has been given to this place, unlike Inazuma.."

You turned to look at Heizou, he was in awe and amazed at the place but you don't know how to respond to his recent comment. He then turned his head and gave you a soft smile. "Mind showing me around?" He slightly tilted his head. You didn't hesitate to grab his hand started dragging him all over the city while giving him a tour.


After a long while of touring around the city and meeting old acquaintances, you both soon headed for the Knights of Favonius headquarters to see your closest friends and family. You weren't actually related to any of the knights, but they treated you like their family in the stead of your late mother. They helped you grow into what you are today and you didn't want that act to be left unappreciated.

You slowly opened the door and looked around to see if there's anyone inside. Everyone's quite busy with the preparations for Windblume so you shouldn't really expect a lot of guards inside. And just as you thought, the inside is quite empty so you gestured Heizou to come in after you.

You then headed for the door on the left and slowly opened it. Right before your eyes is a certain figure of a tanned man with blue hair and a unique look on his eye while an eyepatch was covered on the other. He was busy writing down on the supposedly Acting Grandmaster's seat.

"K-Kaeya?!" You lightly flinched as you didn't expect to see the Cavalry Captain to be in the room, unless there are a lot of things you have missed out during your absence.

The man stopped writing and slightly tilted his head up. "Oh? Is my eye deceiving me?" He slowly stood up from his seat and approached you. "I thought for a moment that the Acting Grandmaster has finally returned, but it turns out to be the long lost flower of Mondstadt~ Welcome back, y/n"

You chuckled at the Cavalry Captain's flattery. "You haven't changed, Kaeya. What are you doing here in Master Jean's office?"

"You and your curious nature haven't changed as well. I'm actually here to take over Master Jean's work for the day as she and Lisa were busy handling the city's affairs in person. Hm? And who is this with you? A friend of yours?" He took notice of Heizou right beside you and you tugged the detective by the arm to introduce him.

"This is Heizou! A well-renowned detective from Inazuma. Heizou, this is Kaeya, he's the Cavalry Captain of the Knights of Favonius"

"A well-renowned detective? You really have some pretty interesting connections, y/n. I suppose you have a talent for charming people with great reputations, hm~?" The blue-haired captain placed his hand over his chin with a sly smirk plastered on his face.

"Why yes, I guess you could say I was quite charmed of her personality from when we first met~" The redhead detective replied with a close-eyed smile on his face.

You instantly blushed at his answer then you immediately smacked the both of them. "Geez! That's enough! You two are quite the same, honestly!"

After a short chat with Kaeya, you and the redhead detective decided to leave the headquarters to find the certain person that you had hoped to see again.

"Guess we should try our luck at the plaza, hopefully we might find Aunt Lisa over there. It would be a great opportunity for you to see the place too!"

Heizou let out a giggle and suddenly held your hand. "Let's go then, shall we?"

A blush dusted over your cheeks as you looked at both of your hands for a moment before looking back at him with a nod. You then started leading the way to the plaza where the Anemo Archon statue was displayed.

-End of Act I-

Detective Detective (Shikanoin Heizou x FemReader)Where stories live. Discover now