Chapter 4 Act I

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The whole group, including yourself have finally arrived at the Police Station with Owada guarding by the entrance. He was incredibly relieved to see that the detective had returned, probably to ask him to solve some complicated cases.

"Sir Shikanoin, we are glad you all have returned safely" The officer greeted as he stood attention. Heizou then sighed as he looked at him.

"Anything that needs to be done, Owada?"

"Well... you see.." Owada's eyes were glancing to the side nervously.

"Ah, I see you've finally returned, Doushin Shikanoin. Care to explain what's going on here?" A woman's voice could be heard behind Owada and stood in front of the group with her arms crossed. She has midnight blue hair with a pair of golden eyes, she seems to be wearing a red mask that is held around her head and a uniform that is quite different from any of the Tenryou uniforms.

"M-Madam Kujou!" The officer beside ended up saluting out of surprise.

"Man alive, what is that woman doing here-" You heard the redhead detective mutter as he was also as surprised to see his superior standing before him.

"Hm? The Traveler and Paimon? And.." Sara's words trailed off after noticing you. You then immediately stood attention to introduce yourself.

"D-Detective l/n y/n... Ma'am-"

"A detective? What's the Traveler and a detective other than Shikanoin doing here, Owada?" The female general turned her head to the Yoshiki officer, who seemed to be sweating nervously.

"Y-You see ma'am... The units are running short and we needed Doushin Shikanoin..." Owada trailed off, unable to explain further which made his superior sigh in disappointment.

"It seems that the Tenryou Commission who have been established to help people are now asking for help from others" She crossed her arms then turned to Heizou. "And as for you Doushin Shikanoin, it also seems that you've been causing an inconvenience for others. Looks like I have no choice but to put my foot down, as I have already given you so many chances"

"W-Wait Sara! He was actually handling a case! Heizou was busy for a couple of days because he was off investigating something" Paimon quickly interrupted as she waved her tiny hands while explaining.

"Y-yes! Exactly ma'am- The Traveler, Paimon and I can vouch for it!" You immediately followed, seeing that you don't want to see the redhead to be punished.

"These three were with me during my investigation, Madam Kujou" Heizou used his thumb to point back at the three of you.

"Hmph. Is that so? Very well, I'm letting you off with a warning this time, Shikanoin. Anyways" She showed a folded letter to him. "Someone sent a letter of complaint against you. I do hope this incident will never happen again because mark my words, Doushin Shikanoin. I will not let you off easily next time" After Heizou accepted the letter, she then turned to face the three of you. "Please keep an eye on Shikanoin in the meantime. Make sure he's not slacking off this time, I will be sure to compensate the three of you for the trouble" And with that, she then walked away.

"Phew, you got lucky there, Heizou! Who knows what could've happened if we didn't vouch for you!" Paimon sighed in relief as the Traveler just nodded their head in agreement.

"Also, I'm curious to know who would just file a complaint on you. Surely you haven't been making enemies while investigating cases, have you?" You approached the detective who is already opening the letter as you tried to check the contents as well.

Your eyes slightly widened to see that the letter actually came from Sango. The redhead detective then sighed. "Man alive, out of all people to have it out for me, it had to be her" He lightly facepalmed. "What the heck does she want now?"

You lightly gulped. You figured that it was because of your sudden decision to get involved with him, which was definitely against Sango's orders.

"Paimon doesn't get it, why would Sango file a complaint against Heizou?"

"Guess we can only find out if we confront her. Cmon, let's get a move on" Heizou turned around and walked ahead before the three of you went to follow him.


The three of you then arrived at the agency. You were sweating nervously and tried to stay right behind the Traveler.

Ryuuji and Sango were outside and as they both saw the group coming, the latter seemed to have a bitter expression, while the former felt otherwise and was delighted to see you four.

"Welcome back, Mr. Heizou. I'm glad you're alright! How about some Tonkatsu? You must have missed the taste of home after so long!" Said your male senior.

"Maybe next time, Ryuuji. Seems like somebody's been expecting me... and I'm afraid they're only gonna be disappointed once again" The redhead detective kindly declined as he placed both of his hands on his hips before turning to your female senior.

"Well well, look who it is. The great Detective Heizou... What nonsense were you talking about just now?" Sango retaliated with a glare as she crossed her arms. "I've been worried about you, you know. So much that I took the trouble to write that heartfelt letter to the Tenryou Commission. Well? Was it sufficiently flattering for you? And it seems that you even brought back my junior— oh I mean, ex-junior" Her bitter stare then was turned at you, even though you tried to stay behind them.

"Sango, you can't be serious-" Ryuuji then immediately protested in disbelief. You, too were in disbelief at the fact that Sango really decided to let you go over a petty feud, but there's nothing you could do about it now.

"You really haven't changed, have you Sango? You even had to go so far to fire your own junior because she's involved with me. Let's not waste everybody's time now. What do you want?"

"Hmph, fine by me. My request is simple: disclose all the details of the Ryuuji Case and swear to never get involved nor try to interact with anyone from my agency. Y/n is already considered dismissed for disobedience, so go ahead and keep her or whatever"

You could feel your heart dropping from hearing those words coming out of your own senior's mouth.

"First of all, that case has already been solved. Second, I've disclosed everything the Police Station has on the case. And third..."

You didn't idle any longer to listen to their argument as you suddenly sprinted off, away from them.

"y/n??" You heard the Traveler calling out but you didn't stop running.

Running across the streets of Inazuma City with tears flowing and blown away by the wind pressure from how fast were running. You no longer care where your feet may take you as long as you can get somewhere far away.


You soon arrived at Ritou and was heading for the port. You only had one thing left in mind.

'Perhaps it's for the best if I just disappear from them..'

You then got on a boat as it starts to take you somewhere.

-End of Act I-

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