Chapter 5 Act IV

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For the past few days, you've been working hard to recover your regular strength by trying to move your body bit-by-bit. With the help of the red-haired detective, you managed to make some progress. In some days, the detective would have to leave you for a bit and have Shinobu take over, sometimes Itto and his gang would tag along too. Not a single day would pass by and be left dull since you also have your books to keep you company while you're by yourself.

You're currently reading the last book on your bed as you had just finished your daily exercise. The redhead detective then walked into your room while holding a plastic bag on one hand and about four or five more books on the other. You thought for a moment how strong this man is despite his physique.

Heizou noticed you staring at him and let out a soft chuckle. "Do I look that good to you? If so, I'm quite flattered~" There's one of his teasing lines again.

You snapped out of your thoughts as a blush brushed over your cheeks then you immediately turned your focus back on the book you were holding. "Keep dreaming, detective"

He faked a surprise and gasped as he put down the stuff on the nearby table and looked at you with both of his hands over his chest. "That hurts, y/n!" You lightly smirked as you rolled your eyes, trying to read.

Someone soon knocked on the door before sliding it open. It's the Traveler and Paimon.

"Hey y/n! We came by to see how you were doing!" The silver-haired companion waved at you as they both entered the room. You paused from reading and turned to look at the both of them.

"Oh hey.." You still can't help but feel a bit uncomfortable whenever you see the traveler. You kept asking yourself why does it still hurt after all this time, you thought you've finally moved on. "I uhh.. I've been great lately, just trying to regain my physical strength one step at a time.." You lightly smiled.

"Ooh that's great! Paimon is wondering if we could celebrate at Uyuu restaurant once you've finally recovered!"

"Oh? That would be great. What do you think, Heizou?" You turned your head at the detective who was busy unpacking the stuff from the plastic bag. He paused for a moment and turned to look at the three of you. "Sure, why not?"

"Awesome! Alright, the traveler and Paimon will head out now to take some commissions, see ya around y/n, Heizou!" They both waved before walking out of the room. For a moment there, you swore you caught a glimpse of the traveler looking at you with sadness in their eyes. You can't help but wonder about it.

Heizou went over to you while holding the stack of books he brought in earlier. "That's the last one right? I got more of them right here. Just recently bought them from the Yae Publishing house"

"Eh?? How much do they all cost???" You were surprised that he bought all those books just for you even though you don't feel like getting new ones yet.

The redhead only responded with a light chuckle. "Don't worry about it, just consider it as a gift"

"No really, I'm serious. How much do they all cost??" You attempted to move and jump out of your bed but you just remembered that your body still hasn't recovered so you ended up dropping back down on the bed while wincing in pain. "ACK!"

The detective sighed as he put the new books away. "Man alive.. you never learn, do you?" He raised an eyebrow as he sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Oh shut it..." You tried to hide the embarrassment on your face with the book you were holding. Heizou moved down the book from your face using his free hand while trying to have a good look on your face. You could feel your cheeks turning red as you noticed how close he is. "W-What do you want???"

"The shine in your eyes a moment ago was quite dim.. I've noticed this every time the traveler is around. Mind if I ask about your relationship with them?" He then leaned away from your face without breaking eye contact with you. Letting out a sigh as you slowly sat up, you honestly don't feel like recalling it but you somehow just felt the need to be honest with him.

"Well... it's a ridiculous situation actually.." You give Heizou a side glance as you could see he was just sitting there, listening to you.


"Let's just say the traveler and I used to be... very close back then.. I was well aware of what kind of person they are and what their purpose of staying here is.. but despite all of that, I wanted to stay by their side.. I told them that it wouldn't matter to me what kind of life they lead as long as I could stay by them..." You then glanced at the window where the sunlight is passing through. "But.. they told me they couldn't return those feelings.. I was naive to think that I had the chance. I tried to move on, but no matter how many times I told them that I'm alright with their answer, I still can't help but feel shattered. I don't know how to get rid of this aching feeling every time I'm around them. Is it selfish of me to feel this way?"

There was only silence in the room, the detective was still all ears on your story. You let out a sigh as you turned your head to look back at him with a bitter smile. "Sorry, I got carried away with my emotions again.."

He scooted closer to you and gave you a light embrace. You just leaned on his chest, holding the urge to cry your heart out.

"It's okay to cry, it's just the two of us here.." He whispered while slowly caressing your hair in the embrace. "You're probably still hurting because you kept holding onto those feelings. You never had someone to cry on, do you?"

Upon hearing the detective's last sentence, you start to tear up and sob as you buried your face on his chest. He kept on gently caressing your hair, whispering that everything's going to be alright. "Everything will get better soon, I promise"

After a few minutes of crying over the detective's chest, you start to feel a bit lighter. Although you didn't want to let go from his embrace just yet. Heizou noticed this and just let you be with a light smile on his face, continuing to comfort you as his fingers were caressing gently on your silky h/c locks.

"Hey y/n, this may sound a bit difficult to take in but.. why don't you and the traveler try to talk it out someday, hm? One reason why you're still hurting around them might be because you both lacked the opportunity to communicate on how you both actually feel. They probably didn't know yet on how much you've been hurting.. who knows, they might try to explain their reason.. what do you say?"

For a moment, you honestly don't know if you should go through it, but you thought that maybe Heizou's right. The detective's advice rarely goes wrong and you knew that. You decided to trust in his judgment and nodded as a response while your face is still buried comfortably on his chest. It didn't take long before you ended up falling asleep, you probably got too comfortable and the crying session wore you out.

Heizou's POV

I noticed y/n getting a bit heavier while leaning onto me, when I tried to take a look, I lightly let out a chuckle. She sure does fall asleep pretty easily.

I slowly set her down properly on her bed without trying to wake her up then went to fix up and organize the pile of books she had finished reading. It still amazes me on how fast she reads even though some of these novels are quite thicker than the rest.

Recalling her story with the traveler, it seems that she still has feelings for them, no matter how many times she convinced herself that she's moved on.

I turned to look over her sleeping face and lightly smiled with a sigh. "Well, it won't matter.. as long as I get to see you smile. That's more important to me than you returning these feelings I have..."

Then again, life is full of surprises, it has piqued my interest on how this one would turn out.

-End of Act IV-

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