Chapter 6 Act II

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You woke up on your futon, feeling groggy and heavy, you slowly tried to sit up then you stretched your arms. You couldn't remember how you got home last night since all you could remember was enjoying the fireworks show with Heizou, and even had an evening picnic together.

You fixed up your futon before getting up, you slowly head for the door to slide it open but the door suddenly opened on it own before you could, revealing a certain redhead as he was carrying a tray with food on it. You were too surprised to react immediately and when you finally processed on what's going on, you stepped back with a scream.

"W-W-What are you doing here, Heizou!??"

"Goodness, early in the morning and you're already screaming" He stepped into the room and put down the tray right by your futon. "In case you forgot, you immediately dropped after just two or three shots of sake" He gave a deadpanned look and crossed his arms. "You have no idea how much trouble it took to carry you all the way from Amakane Island"

"W-Why are you still here after dropping me off-"

"Because someone's been a heavy sleeper and wouldn't let go of me for the whole night" He sighed as he finger combed his hair up before letting out a sly smirk as he glanced at you. "Oh y/n~ If I had known that you were that interested in me, then I guess—"

You didn't let him finish his sentence and threw a pillow to his face as you irked and your face was turning quite red. "I-If you're just here to boost your flirtatious ego then you're free to go home now!"

He held the pillow down from his face as he lightly pouted. "Geez, no need to get so agitated" He then turned around and head of the door but then paused midway. "Oh right, the traveler just came by earlier. They said they had a couple of letters for you from Mondstadt. I left it on the table, and don't worry, I didn't open them" He then left the room.

You quickly head over to the table and noticed a few unopened letters scattered on it. Your eyes lit up in delight to see your old friends' replies, you then picked up each letter one-by-one and started reading them. You felt relieved to know that everyone's doing okay, and you were quite right that they were all worried for you when you haven't been in touch with them for over a year. You wished that you could just go back home now but you also thought that there's still plenty of things you wanted to do here in Inazuma. You're unsure if you're even ready to go back home to your nation.

"I'll see you guys soon.." You lightly muttered while smiling at the letters you were holding before turning your head to the door.

"AND HEIZOU! GIVE ME BACK MY PILLOW!" You irked in realization.


You and Heizou then left your house and went on separate ways since the redhead detective still have some work to do. You're quite busy yourself as well since you're now working under the Adventurer's Guild, you thought you could take the time to do some commissions now. You soon headed for Adventurer's Guild counter and met up with Katheryne,

"Morning Katheryne! Got any commissions for me to take?"

"Morning y/n. Actually, I think I got the perfect task just for you" She turned around for a bit to look for something then she turned back at you as she gave you a piece of parchment with something written on it.

"Apprehend the Treasure Hoarders at the shores of Araumi"

You read the commission written on the parchment and gave Katheryne a nod. "Alright, I'll be taking this!" You then rushed off as you made your way to Araumi. It's a long way to travel on foot but you'll manage, maybe.

After hours of traveling, you soon arrived at the shores of Araumi and cautiously looked around for any signs of treasure hoarder camps. It didn't take long for you to spot one then you hid behind a rock to avoid detection. Once you finished scanning the area and thought that the treasure hoarders are in their most vulnerable state, you immediately rushed out of your hiding spot and released a dendro energy towards the explosive barrels that were displayed near them. It exploded and caught the thieves' attention so you immediately took the chance and raised your hand up. Vines quickly grew from underground and tightly wrapped around the treasure hoarders' legs.

"What the-!?"

You raised the vines more until they could barely move their body at all. You then sighed and stretched your arms as it is finally over and you finished your commission, or so you thought.

"Time to take these guys to the Adventurer's Guild and—"

You were immediately cut off as two bottles with pyro and electro energy were thrown near you, which caused an overload reaction on your end and you were blown away. "Gah!?" You slowly sat up and noticed more treasure hoarder on the higher landform. 'Reinforcements???' You thought to yourself as you tried to get up. Sudden terror were brought to your eyes as you realized that you couldn't move. Out of all times for your body to start getting attacks, it had to be this moment. The timing sure couldn't get any worse.

The treasure hoarders were nearing and surrounding you. "There's nowhere to run now!" They threatened as they raised their elemental-embedded bottles, preparing to aim at you.


The treasure hoarders suddenly got caught up in an anemo explosion and were thrown into the air. You were dumbfounded as you looked up to see the certain redhead again. You felt like every time life puts you in danger, he somehow would come and end up saving you. This is no longer a coincidence, you thought.

"Man alive.. just how many times are you going to put yourself in danger before you start to learn?" He doesn't have his usual laid back smirk. Right now, you noticed that his face looked quite grim. You thought to yourself that you probably messed up really bad now, you knew how many times he has been warning and telling you off about your condition, and yet you kept ignoring it.

"Heizou..." You slightly glanced to the side, unsure of what to answer him.

-End of Act II-

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