Chapter 2 Act V

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"Itto... what the heck are you doing.."

You were there with Heizou, standing in front of a locked room that could be similar to a dungeon and right where you two are standing, you could see a familiar tall figure with silver hair and red horns. The said figure could be seen climbing over the bars, you could imagine him being a ginormous bug trying to crawl on walls or something.

"Wha- who goes there??—" Itto looked down and noticed the both of you. All of a sudden, he went pale and started to yelp. "G-Ghosts!!" He lost grip on the bars and fell down, scooting on the floor, away from you.

"What the heck do you mean ghosts!? Itto, it's me!" You irked at the ridiculously frightened oni.

"Sorry but I don't know anyone who is called it's me— AH!? N/N YOU'RE ALIVE!" He perked up immediately and rushed back to the bars. "Boy, am I glad to see you compadre! I thought you finally kicked the bucket after that fall!" He then took notice of Heizou who has been right beside you the whole time. "Wait, you look familiar- have we met before??" He squinted his eyes at him.

"I do believe we have at some point~" The detective answered as he snapped his fingers. "But we can save the chitchat for later. Right now, let's focus on getting you out of here"

"Right- Anyways, what's the deal here? Did the Tenryou Commission finally see that I didn't do anything wrong?" The oni placed both of his arms on his hips.

"How did the Tenryou Commission get roped into this...?" You sweatdropped as you looked at him. Then again, you realized that Heizou is also from the Tenryou Commission, but you doubt that Itto's presumption was referred to the redhead detective since he barely recognized him.

"It seems you misunderstood that the Tenryou Commission were behind your imprisonment. Truth to be told, I'm the only Tenryou officer who came to this island"

"Huh?? Then who the heck is bold enough to imprison the almighty Arataki—"

"Is that a lever?" You immediately cut him off while your attention was at a device sticking next to the bars.

"Huh, indeed it is" Heizou placed his hand on his chin.

"Hey! That's the second time!" The oni whined as you just sighed and ignored him. You then went for the lever and tried to switch it up, then the bars suddenly was lifted. Your oni companion was finally free.

"Haha yes! I knew I could count on you, compadre!" Itto then ruffled your hair. "Oh right, I think this is yours right? Seriously, why did you bring so much books with you? For a moment there, I thought you were bringing cannonballs" He then handed your bag and you were in huge relief that your stuff was with Itto the while time.

"Thank archons my bag is here!" You then checked the contents inside and sighed in relief that even the case file is still intact, but that expression of relief suddenly faded as you were rummaging through your stuff. "Thats strange..."

"What is?" Your detective companion leaned in to check as well.

"One of my books is missing..."

"Oh dear, perhaps it had fallen off while Itto was taken here?"

"I sure do hope not... I can't afford to lose that one.."

"What's so important about it anyway? Can't you just buy another one?" Itto raised his eyebrow while looking at you. That specific line suddenly made you snap.

"It's not something that can be replaced easily!—" You immediately stopped before you could start hurting his feelings then you just wore your bag and turned around. "Forget what I said... let's go.. we still have an investigation to finish.."

Detective Detective (Shikanoin Heizou x FemReader)Where stories live. Discover now