Chapter 6 Act III

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"And what's your excuse this time?" The redhead detective crossed his arms as he was standing right in front of you. You could only lay your head low as you lightly rubbed your arm.

"I tried.. I tried so many times.. To warn you but here we are again. Do you really see your own life as less valuable?? Tell me, y/n"

"I.. I'm so-"

"I don't need your apology. I just want an answer. Your answer"

You bit your lower lip as you kept looking down. You're not used to seeing the detective this angry and now you're too nervous to even say anything to him. You shut your eyes tight, feeling a bit frustrated at yourself.

You could only hear a sigh from him before you suddenly felt something warm wrapped around you.

You were a bit dumbfounded as you opened your eyes. Heizou had pulled you close to his chest as he tightly embraced you. You want to utter out his name but then he suddenly whispered something under his shaky breath.

"Ever since I nearly lost you on that day, I just can't help but feel paranoid when there's no one else looking after you... I'm terrified, y/n. I just wanted you to take care of yourself more, especially when I'm not there for you..." You could hear his pounding heartbeat as you leaned on his chest.

You wanted to apologize to him. You wanted to assure him that you won't repeat this incident again, but you also felt that you have always done this. You thought to yourself that perhaps Heizou had already started doubting your apologies. Now you don't know how you're going to make it up to him.

"..I'm sorry.... I really am.." Your breathing began to shake as well before you bursted into tears and holding onto him tightly.


You and Heizou soon went back to Inazuma city as you both escorted the apprehended treasure hoarders to the Adventurer's Guild first before the detective took them away to the police station.

"Thank you for completing today's commissions. Here is your reward"

"Thanks, Katheryne.." You gratefully accepted the reward from Kathryne and walked off.

As you walked on the streets of Inazuma city, you recalled what the redhead detective had told you back then as you both were heading back.

"If you're really genuine about your apology, I don't want you taking any commissions until you're completely recovered"

You sighed at the thought as you walked and passed by Yae Publishing house.

"Hey y/n!"

"Mm..?" You stopped to turn and see Kuroda waving at you. You gave him a light smile and walked towards him. "What's up, Kuroda?"

"How was the new book? Was it to your liking?"

"Oh uh.. Actually, I haven't started reading on it yet, unfortunately.."

"Oh- it's okay! You must be very busy. And oh! Before I forget.." He crouched down for a moment then grabbed a stack of books that were all tied together, placing them on the counter. "Guuji Yae told me that since you've been a fan of our establishment's books, she wanted you to have these as a gift"

"G-Guuji Yae..? You mean the Chief editor of the Yae Publishing house wants me to have these?? But.." You felt hesitant to accept the books, especially that you haven't been acquainted yet with the Chief editor, Yae Miko. It felt too unreal that someone of a higher position would even acknowledge you so you began to feel some doubts.

"Don't worry and just take it! The Guuji is giving her utmost gratitude to her number one customer"

You had no choice but to accept the book and asked Kuroda to pass your thanks to Yae Miko. You then immediately went home while happily carrying the gifts that the Guuji had given you.

Heizou's POV

She hasn't been doing her usual stroll around the city for the past few days. I checked every possible spots she could be staying but it's strange that she isn't present. I thought about it for a while now, maybe I should check up on her place instead.

I went over to her house and knocked on the door. "y/n?"

There was no response. Is she not home? I tried knocking again, and the results were the same. This is beginning to concern me. I sighed, knowing that what I'm about to do is going to get me in trouble, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

I try to open the door and to my surprise, it's not even locked. Anyone could easily rob this place if they want to. I slowly went inside and scanned the area. Everything is quite dark and clean, my worries are spiking up again. I slowly took off my sandals by the door and went further inside the house. 

"y/n??" I looked around from door-to-door, hoping that she's in here somewhere. I kept searching until there's only one place left in this house that I haven't opened, her bedroom. I slowly approached the door, giving it a light knock before opening it slowly. "y/n please tell me you're in here—"

I froze in shock to see a huge pile of books right in front of me, then beneath the pile is a hand sticking out. I quickly rushed over to dig through the pile of books. "y/n!!" How the heck did she get buried underneath these books?

I soon managed to pull her out of the pile and she groggily looked up as if she just woke up.

"H-Heizou?!" She suddenly jolted back up and stepped back. "H-How did you get in here???" Man alive, does this woman have no sense of security?

I sighed in relief to see that she's actually fine and placed my hands on my hips. "Actually, you left your door unlocked. What if somebody comes in and robs you??" Ah, I'm getting overprotective again, I keep getting swayed by my emotions. I sighed again and shook my head, I shouldn't get riled up over this. The important thing is that she's alright. "Nevermind that.. How did you get yourself buried in all of those books?" I slightly tilted to take a good look at the pile right behind her.

She gave a sheepish chuckle as she scratched the back of her head. "Well... I ended up finishing all of the books that was given to me so now I'm trying to build an arch using these but my body suddenly got the attacks again and I fell over, knocking down the arch over me- and that's how I got stuck for a while"

I was dumbfounded for a moment then I broke into a laugh, I'm honestly amused to hear that she basically does this whenever she has no job nor books to read.

"D-Don't laugh!!"

"My bad, I really can't help it. It's ridiculously amusing to imagine that this is what you do when you have nothing to do" I kept chuckling and wiped a tear off my eye. I took a deep breath to calm down. "Anyways, I was looking all over for you"

"Huh..? Why..?"

I reached my hand out to her with a soft smile. I feel bad for restricting her so much, she doesn't deserve to be restrained like this.

"Want to go out and solve cases with me, detective y/n?"

-End of Act III-

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