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     A/n: hello all, so i decided to discontinue this book on wattpad because it wasn't gaining much traction

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   A/n: hello all, so i decided to discontinue this book on wattpad because it wasn't gaining much traction. it's continued on ao3 under the same name by nlm1833. i changed it from an x oc to an x reader and there's some plot differences as well. honestly it's way better on there, i started writing this when in 2020 and i'd like to think i've improved since then lmfao. thanks for reading !

   Kyioko Amaku groggily walked down the pavement, the cool breeze making her thankful she decided to wear tights under her school uniform. If she had been slightly more awake, she would've admired the sunrise in front of her. But, due to the lack of sleep from the night prior, the girl focused on her music instead, the destination of her best friend, Yachi Hitoka, on her mind.

   Amaku approached her house quickly, texting her friend to let her know she was there. This was a routine the two of them had for as long as they could remember, and today was no different.

   "Hey!" Hitoka greeted, her smiley personality already peaking through, even though it was early morning.

   Amaku gave her a small smile, taking out one of her earbuds. "I'll never understand how you can be a morning person."

   "It's easy when the sky looks like that." She replied simply, looking up.

   The sky was a stunning mix of blush pink and a glowing orange that spread through the sky. It reminded Amaku of the girl next to her.

   There was a few minutes of silence after, their quick walk to Karasuno was defiantly a peaceful one. The two fell behind another pair of students as they got closer to the entrance, and Amaku could practically feel Hitoka grow anxious.

   "There's nothing to be worried about." She said yawned, stretching in an attempt to wake herself up more.

   "I know!" Hitoka squealed. "It's just so many people."

   "I'll walk you to class." Amaku said simply. The blonde nodded thankfully at her, grabbing onto the sleeve of her school sweater as they started to join the crowd of students. Hitoka was in class 5, and Amaku was in class 4, so it wasn't particularly hard to find their respective classrooms.

   She watched Hitoka talk herself up into walking into the room, even though no one was inside yet. Amaku got bored of this pretty quickly, giving her a quick 'you got this' and nudging her through the door. It may have seemed harsh to someone who didn't know them, but it was simply how their friendship worked.

   Their friendship was a little odd to some, but the two girls were inseparable, and that wasn't going to change any time soon.

   Amaku stopped at the vending machine before heading to her classroom, the idea of strawberry milk already bringing a small smile to her face. She made her selection quickly, grabbing her drink and leaning against the wall for a moment.

   She drank her milk silently, her tired eyes darting around the crowded hallway. Clueless first years littered everywhere, it seemed. Amaku made eye contact briefly with a blonde boy across the hall, doing the same thing she was. He was tall, that was the first thing she noticed. He stood higher than most, if not all, of the other first years. He had square glasses and an intimidating expression. For that reason alone, Amaku held eye contact, refusing to be the first person to look away.

   The boy looked away, seemingly more agitated. Amaku smirked.

   She put her headphones on, shuffling her playlist and walked to her classroom. The seating chart was already on the board, so she followed it, happily taking her seat in the back of the room. Amaku didn't take her eyes off the window next to her until her teacher arrived, missing the stares of a certain blonde boy.


   Amaku felt like crying of happiness by the time the last bell rang, almost skipping out of her classroom in search of Hitoka. Instead, she found a familiar face.

   "Shimizu?" She asked, surprised.

   "Amaku!" Shimizu smiled softly at her, catching the attention of a few boys next to her. " I was looking for you."

   Three boys stood next to her, looking confused on how a first year would be on a first name basis with the girl next to them.

   "These are the some of the players on the volleyball team I was telling you about." Shimizu explained, and Amaku swallowed thickly, subconsciously rolling her tights between her fingers.

   "Hey, I'm Kyioko Amaku, Shimizu's cousin." She smiled politely.

   The three boys introduced themselves as Daichi Sawamura, Koshi Sugawara, Ryunosuke Tanaka. Amaku knew of them all well, Shimizu spoke of them pretty often.

   "I was wondering if you thought about my offer?" Shimizu asked slyly, and Amaku's small grin vanished.

   About a week ago, she had asked her if she'd think about becoming a manager for the boy's volleyball team. It was a touchy subject for her, and Amaku had been putting off thinking about it for as long as she could. But now, it wasn't like she could deny her offer, especially in front of the caption.

  Shimizu could see Amaku start to give in, a knowing smile on her face.

"Is it okay if I come to a couple practices to get a feel for it first?" She sighed, disappointed in herself for how quickly she caved.

"Of course!" Daichi exclaimed, excited.

Amaku excused herself, feeling a little nauseous at the idea of being so close to volleyball again. She walked away quickly, desperate to find Hitoka.

Shimizu watched her leave, determination glinted in her eyes.

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