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    The night before the practice match, Amaku dreamt of a memory she hadn't thought about in years

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The night before the practice match, Amaku dreamt of a memory she hadn't thought about in years. She was thirteen years old again, and sweat was sticking her hair to her face. She could hear the crowd behind her, chanting, cheering. For her. It was match point, and it was her serve. She bounced the ball twice, her eyes scanning the court with a deadly precision. Before she could begin her serve, she woke up.

It was 5 am, but Amaku knew she wasn't falling back to sleep any time soon. Reluctantly, she  got herself ready as fast as she could, packing a change of clothes and making sure she had a hair tie on her wrist.

Amaku was surprised when she realized she wasn't the first person at the gym that morning. The other two first years, who she know learned the other one's name was Hinata, were already standing outside, looking like they had just raced each other there.

She saw Tsukishima and Yamaguchi walking up to them, too, and she was beginning to wonder how the hell everyone got up so damn early on a Saturday.

She nodded a good morning to them before putting her hair up and helping set up for the game. Every now and then Amaku's right knee would tense up, so she decided to stretch it out a little.

Shimizu walked in a few minutes after everything was set up, and Daichi announced the game would be starting soon. It was going to be him, Tsukishima and Yamagucci against Kageyama, Tanaka and Hinata.

Truthfully, Amaku knew all about Kageyama Tobio, and was still surprised that he came to Karasuno. She'd seen him play many times before, but she was curious to see how he's changed since his old team basically gave up on him. She remembered what her old friends used to say about him.

Her attention was brought to Tsukishima when he started talking down Hinata and Tanaka. Successfully getting into the heads of half of Kageyama's team without even stepping on the court. It wasn't like it took much to evoke a reaction from Hinata or Tanaka, though, but Amaku had to admit it was a smart move.

She moved around the gym silently, finding a good spot next to Sugawara to silently observe the game.

Shit talking Tanaka defiantly didn't go as he had hoped. Now having something to prove, he was starting strong, blowing past Tsukishima's blocks. The slight twitch of irritation on his face brought a small feeling of satisfaction through her chest.

Even though it was the second point, Tanaka immediately took his shirt off in celebration, waving it around his head and shouting. Amaku had to swallow her laughter.

She refocused as the ball came back to Kageyama, eager to see his sets. What she wasn't expecting was to see Hinata jump what looked like to be more than half his height. Amaku's heart soared in surprise.

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