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   When Amaku was seven years old, she met Oikawa Turo. She remembered seeing him for the first time, brown hair bouncing as he walked through her house like his was his own. His father was friends with her father, and when they found out they both played volleyball, it was history. He was a brother to her, following him to Kitagawa Daiichi secondary as long as he promised to teach her what he already knew. She was invited to play for Seijoh just like him.

Everywhere he went, he dragged her around, too. When he became best friends with Iwaizumi in elementary school, so did she.

   He paraded her around, introducing her to everyone he knew. He called her "Imouto" or "little sister". He watched her when Amaku's mother couldn't. He cooked meals for her and played childish games that ended up being more entertaining for him than Amaku.

Much of her volleyball success sprung from Turo, he always motivated her and came to her games when her mother couldn't. He practiced with her, and invited her to his own practices, Iwaizumi threatening anyone who complained about a "little girl" joining their practice. No one ever bothered her after seeing one of her serves.

Turo thought of himself as her protector, but that was continually proven to be the opposite. When Amaku was in second grade, a few middle school boys were picking on Turo, calling him flamboyant and girly. She punched the twelve year old in the mouth.

   When Amaku got injured in her last year of junior high, she was rushed to the hospital. For a few hours, her mother wasn't even there. She couldn't leave work and was stuck in heavy traffic. Turo was there.

   After that night, however, he never returned. When she came to watch his game, he couldn't look her in the eye. Amaku, wobbling with a heavy cast down her leg and crutches fumbled to reach him, and when she did, there was a frantic look in his eyes she didn't recognize.

   "What's wrong?" She asked him.

   He didn't respond for a moment, his eyes stuck on the chunky white cast. "Why are you here?"

   "What do you mean?" She choked.

   "You're not a protege anymore, you failed. You don't belong here."


   Watching the boy she used to tease for crying when he feel off his bike and barely scraped his knee get a service ace without breaking a sweat made Amaku feel sick.

   She could hear the rest of the team discussing Seijoh's players, but she couldn't bring herself to add anything. It was only when Hinata and Nishinoya got confused for elementary schoolers did she break focus, letting out a small snicker.

   They left shortly after Seijoh won their first match, meaning they would play them tomorrow, crossing the gym to get to their bus. Aoba Johsai was in a team huddle, most likely recapping their game when Oikawa noticed Amaku, hurriedly walking farther back than the rest of her team while purposely not looking at him.

   Without saying anything to his coach, Oikawa ran after her. She heard his footsteps, trying to walk even faster.

   "Maku!" He called out. She kept walking. The nickname hit a part of her past she almost forgotten about.

    He called her name again, people were turning to look at them now. She walked faster. A few of her teammates in front of her were turning around, noticing her absence.

   "Imouto!" He put a hand on her shoulder, and without thinking she grabbed his wrist and threw it off of her. He stared at the girl, almost shocked with how grown up she got in a year. Oikawa had always been taller than her, but now he towered over her. His face was still boyish, but up close she could see how tired he looked.

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