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   Amaku yawned as she got off the bus, Nekoma already outside the gymnasium

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Amaku yawned as she got off the bus, Nekoma already outside the gymnasium. Due to her extensive research, she knew most of the players extremely well, and was excited to see how Karasuno would play against them. She'd given all the information she could to the team on the bus, trying to help their nerves.

She was walking with her cousin, a bag slung over her shoulder and her hair tied up messily. Amaku saw a few of her teammates talking with Nekoma's. Hinata was talking with a boy she recognized as their main setter, and Tanaka arguing with their ace.

She tried to ignore the comments from a few of their players who were opening calling her and Shiminzu "hot" and "gorgeous" but it didn't come easy to her. Amaku wasn't usually called attractive in any sense growing up, especially not next to her cousin. Most guys found her too intimidating or muscular, and the girl almost preferred it that way.

She was told she didn't have an approachable energy, and her unnerving gaze didn't help much. But now, she was starting to find a new peace with herself. She still didn't like the attention it gave her.

Amaku hurried into the gym, grabbing the cooler of empty water bottles as an excuse to find a place that was a little quieter. She didn't notice Shiminzu behind her until she placed a hand on her shoulder, making her flinch away.

"Sorry, Shiminzu." Amaku said softly.

"Don't pay any mind to the boys, they're all a little clueless." She took a few of the plastic bottles, handing to them to her as she finished screwing on the one prior.

"It's not that." Amaku said simply, pausing for a moment to collect her thoughts. "I guess I just realized I'm not so angry anymore."

"Isn't that a good thing?" Shiminzu asked.

"It's all I've really known." The girl admitted. "I feel like I don't know myself."

"Your anger never made you, you." Shiminzu said. "Even if it fueled you and a lot of your actions, you've always been more than your rage."

"Maybe so." Amaku shrugged, almost embarrassed of how much her cousin's words affected her.

In the midst of her thoughts, Coach Takeda opened the door beside the girls, turning his head to find them. "We're lining up!" He said, excitedly.

Shiminzu moved first, Amaku frozen in her spot for a moment before trailing behind her.

The game started shortly, the boys insisting on ruffling Amaku's hair 'for good luck' before they got into their positions. By the time Karasuno took the first point due to their freak quick attack, she'd shaken off any negative feelings.

Less than halfway through the first set, Nekoma called for a time-out. Karasuno racked up a few points quickly, and Amaku had taken off her jacket and was standing with the rest of the players. She always started sitting on the bench next to Coach Ukai, but she didn't like sitting when the players weren't.

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