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   The training camp was going by quickly

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  The training camp was going by quickly. Each night, Amaku and Shiminzu prepared a dinner that they were both proud of. And each night, Nishinoya and Tanaka ate more than Amaku thought possibly. It got to the point where she began to guard Yamaguchi's plate because they kept stealing food off of it and the poor boy was too kind to say anything.

   Amaku and Coach Ukai created drills that were custom to each player to strengthen their particular weaknesses. Her hand was cramped by the amounts of notes she had on each player, and she always made sure to give out constructive criticisms after each practice.

   The third years have adapted a way of saying thank you to her, ruffling her hair. Amaku didn't mind it too much at first, Suga being the one to start it. But when Diachi started doing it as well, so did the second years.

   Soon, it was habitual no matter how many times she swatted their hands away or annoyed glares she shot at them. Of course, not everyone did it. Tsukishima would rather die than show any kind of endearment, and it took Asahi a while before warming up to it.

   Amaku wasn't exactly thrilled about it, but deep down it made her feel like the boys really saw her as part of the team. And when Coach Ukai started doing it, well, that almost brought her to tears.

   The girl was walking side by side with Shiminzu, holding the uniforms neatly. Amaku was excited to see what number Ukai assigned for each of the players. It was a little thing, but to her it was a big deal.

   She walked into practice, holding up the bag in her hand to Coach Ukai, who instructed for the boys to stop. Amaku and Shiminzu let the coach hand them out, happy to see Hinata getting the same number as The Tiny Giant.

   "Just like I saw on TV!" He smiled widely. Amaku patted him on the back as she walked by, walking over to Ukai who was beckoning her over.

   "Give this to Tsukishima," He put the folded black and orange uniform in her hands, checking off something on his clipboard. "and this one to Tanaka."

   Amaku obliged, noting Tsukishima had the same number she used to wear when she was playing. She picked it for her birthday, August 11th.

   After handing them both of their respected jerseys, their attention was pulled back to Hinata, who was arguing with Kageyama. The ginger looked at his number, then Kageyama's #9, a frown etching its way onto his face.

   "Hey! Why is his one number higher than mine?" He exclaimed.

   "I knew you'd say that." Tanaka, Tsukishima and Amaku said in unison, a small snicker falling from the girls lips at Hinata's predictability.

   "We're only first years!" Kaygeyama scolded. "You should be happy we get uniforms at all."

   "I know that!" Hinata yelped.

   "That's funny." Diachi said, holding his #1 jersey tightly. "I guess he doesn't remember the number."

   "He only saw him on TV once." Suga said.

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