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   The second Amaku was off the bus, she was ducking behind whoever was in front of her

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The second Amaku was off the bus, she was ducking behind whoever was in front of her. She wasn't obvious about it, and it wasn't hard when most of the boys were taller than her. They were walking around the building, and she was currently behind Kageyama, who wasn't even aware she was behind him.

Right before they rounded the corner, the group overheard a conversation, presumably by two of the Seijoh boys.

"...they haven't had a great team in a long time. All I know about them now is that they have some super hot babe as their team manager." A voice said. "And one of their team members looks like a juvenile delinquent. The guys even got a shaved bald head. And he seems like he's pretty stupid too."

Tanaka, who was in front, peered over the corner, and the two boys jumped back. Amaku, Kageyama, Tsukishima and Yamaguchi all walked forward, the air growing tense.

"Uh, hello." One of the Seijoh boys said, Amaku not recognizing him. She did however recognize who the other one was. Kindaichi Yutaro. A boy who had a hopeless crush on Amaku all through middle school.

"Don't mock my team, bro." Tanaka's attempted in being threatening would've made Amaku smile if she wasn't glaring so hard at the two boys. "We'll have your heads."

Regardless, this was a group of some of the tallest members of Karasuno, and besides Yamaguchi, they were also the scariest.

It came easy to Tsukishima, his height alone was off putting. But adding the mocking smirk he always seemed to have really helped. Kageyama's face was almost always in some sort of glare, whether it was intentional or not. Amaku, even though the shortest, was easily the scariest.

Between the dark stare in her eyes and the unnerving smile she had, Amaku was someone you did not want to see angry. Kindaichi looked mortified seeing his old crush, swallowing nervously.

"Heh, come on Tanaka." Tsukishima waved his hand, grinning. "There's no need to talk like that. I mean look at what you've done, the hot-shots from Aoba Johsai are practically shaking in their shoes."

"You idiots really think we're afraid of you?" Kindaichi said, but he couldn't meet Amaku's eyes.

"I think you of all people defiantly should be, Kindaichi." She replied swiftly, cracking her knuckles with one hand. His face paled.

"Oh, yeah. Good thinking." Tanaka walked forward. "It'll hurt more if we kick your asses on the court instead."

"HEY!" Daichi suddenly was behind them, but Amaku didn't stop glaring until Kindaichi broke eye contact. "I cannot take you anywhere!"

The caption grabbed the back of Tanaka's head, forcing him to bow to the boys in front of him. "Please excuse him."

They started walking away, Amaku fuming. It annoyed her to hear someone talk down on her team, but it infuriated her how other teams constantly belittled her cousin. Of course, Shimizu was beautiful. But she was so much more than that, and she constantly got put down to just her looks. She knew how Shimizu felt about it, too.

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