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   The next day, the loss was still heavy on Karasuno's mind

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  The next day, the loss was still heavy on Karasuno's mind. Tsukishima was quieter than he usually was, Yamaguchi barely saying anything but a 'good morning'.

   Amaku was devastated for them, but she tried not to show it. Oikawa had texted her that night, but she didn't plan on responding to him.

   Amaku focused her attention on the veiw outside.  There was barely a cloud in the sky today, and the sun was bright. She didn't know what would happen to her team.

   Would the third years stay? They still had the spring national tournament to prepare for, and they would be able to play. But would they want to? Would they put off college just to play one last time?

   Amaku couldn't pull her mind away from her thoughts, deciding to do the one thing she could to take her mind off of things, volleyball.

   She headed to the clubroom, the sound of yelling stopping her. Concerned, she approached the gym, finding her cousin in the doorframe. Upon closer inspection, she saw Hinata and Kageyama in the gym, surrounded by stray volleyballs and out of breath.

   "What the hell are you two morons up to now? Don't you know we have the day off?" She crossed her arms, but there was a playful smile on her lips.

   "Amaku!" Hinata and Kageyama said simultaneously, standing up straight.

   From the other side of the gym, the second years walked in, practice clothes on. "You're looking prettier than ever today!" Tanaka exclaimed, staring at Shiminzu. "I think you look prettier than he does!" Nishinoya added.

   Before they could charge her cousin for a hug, she stepped in front of her, crossing her arms.

   "Aw, you want a hug too?!" Nishinoya asked, excitedly. Not waiting for an answer, he jumped on Amaku, who was fighting to get him off of her.

   As she was struggling, Yamaguchi and Tsukishima walked in, greeting the rest of the team before staring in confusion at the scene in front of them.

   By the time Amaku was able to push Nishinoya off, the rest of the third years had ran through the door.

   "You're all staying?" She turned to Shiminzu.

   She nodded with a smile, and Amaku wrapped her arms around her.

   "Hey, how come you won't hug any of us but you'll hug Kiyoko?" Tanaka frowned.

   "Because you all perpetually smell like shit." Amaku responded.

   "I don't know what that means." Tanaka scratched the back of his head.

   "Seriously? How much brain damage do you have?" Tsukishima said.

   "I don't like you two teaming up against me, you're like the meanest people I know." Tanaka pouted.

   "Alright, let's get started." Daichi interrupted with a smile on his face. "Spring nationals is coming up quick, and we need to be prepared. Amaku, I'm assuming you have your notebook?"

   "Of course, caption." She rummaged through her backpack, pulling out her recap of last game. The boys sat in a circle around her, all of their attention on the girl in front of them.

   "Okay, so I think moving forward it'll be best to focus on individual player's potential. You all have the capability of being incredible players, and I know how you can get there." Amaku took a deep breath. "As a team, everyone needs to focus on eliminating the tiny errors.."

   Amaku kept going, eventually breaking off to go change. When she got back, she pulled each player for one on one conversations about what each of them could work on.

   As she was in the middle of talking to Asahi about utilizing his power in his serves, the door opened.

   Coach Ukai walked in, surprised to see everyone there. Before he could speak, the team bowed to him. "Thank you sir, we hope you will continue coaching us." Daichi said.

   Ukai said a few words to the boys about their game against Seijoh, and about spring nationals. Lastly, he called Daichi up to give a few words of inspiration before they got back to work.

   As they were cleaning up, Amaku noticed the boys were being a bit weirder than usual. They would whisper to Coach Ukai when she wasn't looking, or just smile at her more than they ever did.

   Ukai called for one more meeting before they left for the day, the boys all looking at each other with sly smiles.

   "Amaku," Suga started. "the team wanted to do something for you to show our appreciation. We know how much you do for us, and we couldn't do this without you."

   She felt like she was about to cry. While it was a bit awkward having all eyes of the gym on her, she felt good knowing the boys really saw her as a part of the team.

   Daichi handed her a jacket, almost identical to the one the boys wore, but instead of a number on the back, it was her last name and "assistant coach" under it.

   Amaku was overwhelmed as she held the black material in her hands. "Thank you." She smiled wide.

   "We weren't sure what size to get you, Kiyoko said you liked bigger jackets-" Asahi started to apologize.

   "It's perfect." Amuku cut him off. "Thank you so much."

   Suga ruffled her hair before leaving to get his bag. Soon after, the team shuffled out of the gym, everyone going their own ways home.

   The first years all went the same way for the first block, all talking loudly to themselves. They decided to stop at the convenience store before they went home, Hinata claiming he was too hungry and wouldn't make it home.

   "So, guys, my mom was wondering if everyone would to come over for a little party in the summer." Yamaguchi said. "We just put in a pool and she's trying to find every excuse to show my dad it wasn't a waste of money."

   "That sounds like so much fun!" Hinata shouted.

   "Yeah." Kageyama agreed.

   "How deep is your pool, Yams? I don't know if Hinata will be able to handle it." Amaku teased.

   "I CAN SWIM!" Hinata argued.

   "Really? That's surprising." Tsukishima said.

   "What's that supposed to mean?" He said defensively.

   "That you look like you can't swim." Amaku said.

   "They kinda have a point." Kageyama said bluntly.

   "You guys are so mean."

Season one is done! When the description said slowburn I wasn't kidding (sorry)!

Season 2 is my favorite and there's a lot of fun characters to meet (and maybe remeet)! I hope you like the story so far :)

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