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Salvatore- Lana del Rey.

Lizzie's POV.

I came to college along with my best friend Aubrey, two weeks ago classes started and I have started to make friends here, I transferred colleges recently because I didn't feel very comfortable at my previous one and I didn't have many friends and that was the best decision I could make, I love this new college and the people here, everyone is so nice.

We were walking by the entrance of the building when a teacher said.

"Okay everyone to the main hall."

On the induction day they said that if we were summoned to the main hall it was because they had something important to tell us so we all went there.

The hall was full of people, some classmates that I have classes with and others that I didn't know or hadn't seen in these two weeks.

"Do you think something bad has happened?" I asked my best friend.
"I don't know, I think we're about to find out" she says.

Everyone went quiet as the door opened letting the last people in.

It was the two Salvatore brothers who walked in along with a woman dressed very elegant, she was wearing a long white dress, her heels were beautiful, the Salvatore brothers were dressed elegant, well they always dress like that.

"Who is she?" I asked
"The Salvatore's mother."
"What is she doing here?" I said confused.
"Oh no the bitch is back" I hear Aubrey say she lowered her breath.
"Who do you mean?"
"Y/n Salvatore the sister of Damon and Stefan, They said when Y/n came back they'd announce it in a big way, so I guess they'll fucking do it now."
"You don't like her at all huh?" I said with a chuckle.
"She's the devil himself."

I was going to respond but was interrupted by a voice coming out of the microphone.

"Hello everyone, it's good to see you" the elegant woman says "some of you here already know me but for those who don't I am Monica Salvatore the mother of these two handsome men and the most beautiful girl your eyes have ever seen"
"Mom stop" Damon says over his mother's shoulder.
"Okay okay, I'm going to get to the point, we have gathered you today to give you the good news that my lovely daughter is now home with us again and to celebrate that we are having a party this Friday and you are all invited."

All the people started to toast to that.

"My children at this moment will deliver the invitations to you" the woman says while her children do what she ordered.

My eyes were looking for the daughter she named so much but apparently she was not in the place.

"Here you go" Damon says handing me the invitation.
"Thank you" I said taking it.

The invitations looked ridiculously expensive, I really am excited to go to this party, I have my expectations high.

We walked out of the auditorium and Aubrey looked really annoyed.

"Don't even think about it Lizzie we're not going" she says.
"What? Why?"
"She's worse than her brother Damon believe me" She says.

Okay Damon doesn't have the best reputation of all. In fact I don't think anyone is worse than him, it is simply impossible to think of such a thing.

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