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Breathe- Fleurie

Lizzie's POV.

I arrived at the complex and for some reason I expected her to be the one to greet me but obviously she was not.

At the door was Monica waiting for me with a genuine smile, the woman always has a smile on her lips, her smile is like Y/n's, sweet and welcoming.

I walked towards her, I didn't want to be here but I didn't have much choice. It was Paolo's order and the security in my house wasn't going to let me disobey an order from the man.

"It's nice to see you Lizzie, I wish it was under different circumstances" Monica says sweetly.
"Yeah, me too" I said forcing a small smile.
"Come with me, I'll show you to your room" she says and I nodded.

Now I understand why the rooms in this palace are under the ground, it wasn't because they liked the architecture different, it was for protection, to have more security.

The house was full of men and women dressed in black, they were people who worked for them, security, escorts, anyone who could ensure that our lives in this place would not be in danger.

We walked to the front of the familiar elevators. Once the door opened we entered one of them.

"I know you must have a lot of questions going through your head right now" monica says interrupting our silence.
"You could say that" I said with a chuckle.
"Our life is quite complicated, full of risks, I was like you once, I had nothing to do with this business but I fell in love" she says. "He tries to protect me from all this, I think all the Salvatore's fail wanting to keep this a secret, because once it comes out someone always gets hurt...but I can assure you Lizzie that everything she does she is doing it to protect you."
"But I don't want her to protect me, not in this way where I can't be with her" I said feeling my eyes fill with tears.

The elevator doors opened causing us both to step out of the elevator, I had hoped that my room was on the same floor as Y/n's but once again I was wrong.

We started walking down the long hallway. I could hear her heels clicking as they touched the marble floor.

"You have to understand that being with her immediately makes you a target for all of our enemies, you are not trained, you don't know the consequences of being in this industry, your life will have a price on your head if it doesn't already" Monica says.

She's brutally honest and that's one of the things I like about her, she doesn't sugar coat things.

"She is protecting you, she is putting you first even if it is tearing her up inside, I know my daughter and I know very well how she feels about you, this is as hard for you as it is for her, I just hope at some point you get back together like Paolo and I did" she concludes her point.

Standing in front of a big white door she opens it for me.

I hadn't realized I was crying until Monica put her hand on my cheek wiping away my tears with her thumb.

"Settle in the room sweetie, once you're ready I'll wait for you upstairs" she says and I nodded walking into the huge room.

It was cozy, the lights made it look warmer than it was, the bed was huge, it had a beautiful bathroom connected to the room, it was the perfect room.

I started unpacking my clothes that security had helped me bring here.

As I began to put the clothes in the closet, my thoughts went to her for the thousandth time.

Is she here too? I didn't see her when I entered the house, is she staying at her house even though there is an official war? If so, does she have sufficient security at home?

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