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Nostalgia- Suki Waterhouse

Lizzie's POV.


Did I hear correctly?

Why is she going to Milan? What does she have to do there? What the fuck is going on?

"Oh dear I think you are forgetting a very important point, the war, you can't just go and leave everything behind" Monica says.

There was tension in the room, Paolo looked worried about the early decision his daughter had made, Monica didn't seem to understand why her daughter is leaving, her siblings seem to be as confused as me and Elena.

The only ones who understood what was happening were Y/n and Bella.

"Oh mommy I have already thought of everything, everything will go on as we have planned, I will continue to help and give orders from wherever I am, and if things start to get complicated it will only take a call from you guys for me to be back, you just have to keep me informed" Y/n says calmly.

She didn't express any feelings or emotions, she just had her resting bitch face as usual.

I just hope Paolo doesn't approve of her leaving, because it's not like she's going to another city, she's leaving the fucking country.

"Okay, if you promise to keep helping and come back the moment I ask you to, I don't see any problem with you guys leaving" Paolo says.


I could feel Elena's hand taking mine, it was as if she with that little gesture was telling me here I am with you and I'm sorry.

"Great! Oh my god I'm so excited, we are going to do so many things over there Y/n/n" Bella says clapping her hands.

Y/n gave her a little smile.

Breakfast continued, I was trying so hard not to let a single tear fall down my face.

I was devastated with the news.

She was going to leave after the night we had spent, after she confessed she loved me and I told her the same.

She can't just walk away.

I feel so sad and so angry at her, she decided to leave me.

She made that decision while we were fucking? Or did she do it while she was lying next to me waiting for me to fall asleep? Or had she made it long before we had done anything the night before?

I can't believe she's doing this, she didn't even take the time to tell me, before she went and told everyone else.

I feel so hurt and used by her.

This is beyond what I can take.

She and Bella left the room before all of us because they were going to go to a mall to buy some clothes for their trip.

I know why she decided to go to Milan, she will be into fashion and will be able to experience things to do with it there. And I'm happy for her because I know that's her dream, but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt that she doesn't want to be here with me.

I'm trying to understand why she made that decision. But nothing seems to make sense to me.

The night before had been splendid, I mean we both said I love you, but it seems that the next morning she had forgotten all that. As if she had amnesia.


It's not that I want to leave, not after the night we shared, not after I told her I love her. I don't want to do it but I have no choice.

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