Off to the races

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Off to the races- Lana del Rey.


"fuck! What are we going to do now?" Alejandro says as we watch the club's back door cameras on a monitor.
"Let's get out of here right now" I say as I see my dad's cars outside the place "get the car ready, I'm going to go get my brothers and Bella."

The man nodded and started talking to the security people at my club to get the car ready, once he did that he came back with me.

We walked to where my brothers and Bella were.

"We need to go now" I ordered.
"What's going on?" Stefan asks.
"Dad is outside" I said causing Bell and Stefan to get up from the seat and start walking down the stairs quickly.

Unlike Damon who seemed very busy in the arms of two girls, I rolled my eyes impatiently and frustrated.

"Damon let's go" I said firmly.
"Why do we have to leave and miss all the fun" he says annoyed.
"Dad is outside, you want him to meet us here and leave us locked in his house for a month?" I said angrily tilting my head slightly, my eyes shooting daggers at my brother. 

He didn't say anything else standing up quickly from the couch and walking fast towards the exit. As we left the place we immediately got into Bella's car who drove as fast as possible dropping us all off at our homes.

I put one foot inside my room and my phone started buzzing in my purse, I pulled it out and it was dad calling me.

"Where are you?" was the first thing he said when I answered.
"I'm home" I said feigning a sleepy voice "is everything okay?"
"I just got news that you were at your club and I wanted to know if it was true" he says in his calmer voice now.
"daddy I've been here at home all day, if you don't believe me you can ask Alejandro".
"Hmm okay sweet girl"
"Can I go back to sleep now?" I asked him.
"Yes, I love you mon amour"
"I love you too daddy" I said hanging up the call.

I let out a sigh and sat up in bed.

I understand my dad being worried and wanting to protect me and my siblings, I mean the situation after my kidnapping is tense.

I will walk you through it so you understand the whole picture.

My family is one of the most powerful and wealthy families in this mafia, the Salvatores, which means we have a lot of enemies. Since I was little my life has consisted of training and being ready for any battle.

Being Paolo Salvatore's daughter makes me a target for anyone who is not in league with my family.

But that has never been a concern for any of us until now, my kidnapping in my opinion was well thought out in the beginning but then things got out of hand and that's where they went massively wrong.

But before I talk about that, I have to talk about one of our most personal enemies, the Lombardi family.

The Lombardi's were great close friends of my family, in fact I grew up next to their son Damiano and daughter Victoria Lombardi.

We were very good friends, we used to play at my house or at theirs, we had the best childhood, we used to be together all the time making jokes, doing little concerts for our parents, we did plays for them too.

We went to school together, our friendship seemed inseparable, they also got along well with my brothers.

After a couple of years we started to grow up and in my first semester in college Damiano and I started dating, he always liked me and my feelings for him started to grow.

He asked me to be his girlfriend and I accepted, life seemed perfect leaving the fights for territory we had with other mafias, the Salvatore and the Lombardi had an alliance besides being friends so we fought against the other mafias.

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