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Heartless- the weekend

Lizzie's POV.

I was in my second lesson of the day, I was so engaged in what the teacher was saying until my vibrating phone took my attention.

Unknown number
I'm done with my lessons, where are you?

Who is this?

Unknown number.
Y/n Salvatore 🙄

I could literally feel her eyes rolling making me laugh slightly. Change the contact name.

Oh, hi. My class ends in fifteen minutes.

Y/n Salvatore.
Great, I'll wait for you in the cafeteria.

Wait, how did you get my number?

Y/n Salvatore.
Stop asking so many questions 😒.
See you in fifteen.

She's cold even by text, she literally has no feelings let alone emotions.

After fifteen minutes my class was over and I walked to the cafeteria where she was sitting with her black glasses covering half of her face while she was talking on the phone.

"We'll talk about this later, I have to go" she says hanging up the call as I approach her.
"Hi" I said to her.
"Hello, are you ready to go?" She asks.

She got up from her seat and started walking towards the parking lot as I walked beside her, I could see how people were staring at her, and I can see why, she has this confidence in herself, she is incredibly beautiful, like a super model, the way she walks with such dominance and elegance, it's like she is on a runway. All the women and men were watching her up and down while she walks.

We got to the front of her car and I could see her annoyance at the sight of it, she was about to open the car doors when a voice stopped her.

"Y/n Salvatore, long time no see" the sarcastic voice of a man says.
"Oh Damiano, finally your cowardice let you out of the house?" she says in a mocking voice making the man clench his jaw.
"We owe each other a talk" the man says.
"As I already told your sister who apparently didn't get it" Y/n stops to look at the blue eyed woman who walked into our classroom the other day "I'm going to make it clear and simple so your little brains will understand" she says approaching the two of us.

"I have nothing to talk to you two about, you two are so fucking sick you can't stop being obsessed with me, get the fuck away from me or you will face the consequences" she says her voice cold and intimidating.

She walks over to her car opening the doors so we can both get in. Once we got in there was no sign of the two siblings there.

"Fuck" she says under her breath.
"Is everything okay?"
"I hate having to drive this fucking car" she says and I could tell she was frustrated.

She starts driving her car and I can see three cars behind us.

She picked up speed taking us onto the highway, it was obvious she was trying to lose the three cars behind us.

"Hey Siri, call Damon" She says.
"Y/n" Damon answered the call right away.
"Where are you?"
"On the highway on my way home" the man answers.
"Great, I need you to do me a favor."
"Ugh what do you need now?" He says whining making Y/n genuinely laugh, I've never heard her do that and it's a sound I don't know why but I don't want to stop hearing.
"Since we now have the same kind of car I need you to help me lose daddy's men" she explains.
"Okay, where are you now?" He asks.
"On the highway, send me your location and I'll be there in a few seconds" she says.

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