Why i love you

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Why I love you- Kanye west & Jay-Z


This weekend I am spending it at my parents' house, dad is too insistent that we all need to extend our training hours, so now we are all here spending the weekend, by we I mean my brothers and Tyler.

I keep trying to figure out why Tyler is here, but dad has made it difficult as he tries to avoid the subject.

I haven't seen Elizabeth since Friday, we didn't make much progress on her part of the project because we didn't just have sex once that day.

I think it's clear that for both of us this is a sex only thing and nothing more. No feelings involved.

I don't want my feelings involved especially since I don't want a relationship. I also don't want her to realize what my family and I really do for a living.

Part of me wants to keep this hidden from her because I don't want to put her in danger. She is not used to this life so I will make sure to keep it that way.

I hate having to be thinking about her all the time but it seems like my head wants to remind me of her every minute of the day, I hate wanting to know what she's doing, if she's had breakfast yet or if she's watching something on netflix.

I think I miss her.

I don't like that, I mean I don't like that I care so much about someone, especially if it's not my family.

I think inside I feel like she is so helpless that's why I worry and think about her and that's fucking annoying.

I went to training with my brothers and Tyler and that helped me to keep her out of my mind.

We spent four and a half hours training, my body was exhausted. I literally felt my muscles tense.

Tomorrow I will have pain all over my body but I guess that's the consequences of running a mafia.

I took a bath so that my muscles would relax and lose the tension they were in so that tomorrow the pain would be more bearable.

The bath was good, I grabbed my most comfortable clothes and decided to do some research on Tyler's arrival.

I know that dad and he are hiding something, the last time he was here there was a war in which many died but fortunately we managed to win it. I just hope that's not really going to happen this time because I don't want more blood to be spilled.

I dread the moment when I have to shoot someone in the head, I don't want that moment to ever happen but I know that it is very certain that that moment will happen, whether I want it to or not.

I started looking at the dates of Tyler's arrival and the ones to come and it all clicked in my head. It's only a couple of weeks until the celebration of the creation of this mafia. I guess my parents are planning a party and that's why Tyler is here. I really hope that's the case.

I went to grab lunch, the table was empty probably because everyone had already eaten before me, I sat down in my usual seat and watched as the chef put my salad on the table in front of me.

And my thoughts went to her. Salads are boring.

I chuckled to myself remembering her words.

I started eating my "boring salad", while thinking about her, these thoughts are eating me alive, I hate it.

I grabbed my phone and pressed on the contact before I regretted it.

The phone rang three times before she answered.

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