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Bathroom- Montell Fish.

Lizzie's POV.

The next day has arrived and with it the annual celebration, I will not deny that I am excited, after what has happened lately I feel it is good to have a change of vibes.

I have heard from the maids and security that today the house will be full of people, of course all of them allied to our mafia.

I heard that the Spanish mafia is coming, the French mafia, the Russian mafia and a few others.

From what I have heard this is a big celebration and every year it is held in different parts of the world where the mafias are located but this year it was our turn to host it.

I went up to the dining room to have lunch with Elena who is just as excited about this celebration as I am.

The mansion is decorated everywhere, golden decorations were seen around the place, everything looked expensive and elegant.

"How are things going with Damon?" I asked Elena as we sat at the table.
"Things are less tense between the two of us."
"When do you plan to talk to him?" I asked sipping some juice from my glass.
"I don't know, I haven't seen him much, he and his family have been busy with the whole war thing" she says as she cuts a piece of her steak.

She is right the Salvatore's have been busy with the war coming, I am shocked that Y/n decided to start a war just because they kidnapped me and hurt me a little.

I am also shocked that even a war this far down the road they would throw this party, it's a little crazy.

Today only the two of us will have lunch together because apparently the Salvatore's are busy planning a meeting to be held with the mafia bosses before the party starts.

I am actually excited to meet new people, these people may be dangerous but I am more than sure that if our lives were in danger with their presence none of the Salvatore's would allow them to enter their house and be near us.

For this party there is no dress code so I will be able to choose any color dress I want to wear.

After lunch Elena and I went to her room to choose what dress she would wear and then we went to mine to do the same.

I am pleased with the dresses we chose and we will definitely look sexy and hot.

I want to see the reaction Y/n will have when she sees me, I know she won't let me read her expression easily but I will put extra care on her face when I see her.

The rest of the day Elena and I spent getting ready for the party and talking about what we thought the party would be like.



I'm ready for the party now, I'm not too excited for it if I'm honest. But I have to talk to our allies, we are going to start a war and I need them to help us.

I need them to follow our plans and help us execute them.

Now I'm walking to the main office where the heads of the mafias are already waiting for me to have our meeting.

When I entered the place I saw my parents and siblings waiting for me too. Okay this is perfect so we won't have to wait for anyone and we can start with this meeting.

"Ladies and gentlemen it is an honor to have you here with us" I said as I took a seat.

Everyone here dressed up for the occasion, the men in suits and the women in dresses for the party.

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