The machine

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The machine- Reed wonder

Lizzie's POV.

"wow this is great Elizabeth" She says reading the script she had done for my part of the project.

We decided that my part of the project would be a sketch that Y/n would help me record.

"You really think so?" I said looking at her expressionless face.
"Mhm" she says as she continues reading, she was also helping me by correcting my grammar a bit.

She finished reading the whole script and raised her gaze to see me, right now we are in her studio room, she was sitting in front of me.

"Do you already know who will act in the sketch?" She asked.
"Not really and that's stressing me out."
"Don't stress about it, I will help you get the people you need" she says reassuring me.
"Thank you" I said softly.

She nodded and stood up from her seat sitting next to me, her perfume entered me, her sweet scent.

"Do you already know what we will do for your part of the project?" I asked turning to look at her.
"Yes, but we'll talk about it when the time comes" she says taking a pill bottle she had on the table in front of us, she took out a pill putting it in her mouth and downing it with water.
"What is that?" I asked curious.
"Just vitamins, they help me not to be so tired all the time because of the amount of hours I train."
"Wow that's a long time."
"I know" she says with a chuckle "Elizabeth can I ask you something?" She says doubtfully

That's the first time I've heard her talk like that, it's weird.

"Yes, ask me," I said with a smile.
"That was the first time you kissed a woman?" She asks softly almost like a whisper, her eyes looking anywhere but at me.
"No, it wasn't my first time" I told her.
" you like them both?" She says finally looking at me.
"Yes, I like women and men" I confirmed.
"Hmm, how did you realize you liked women?" She asks and her curiosity made me intrigued. Is she confused? I decided not to go into that topic because it might make her uncomfortable.
"I was in high school, I had a friend there and we were together all the time and one day I realized I liked her more than as a friend, I was scared at first but then she confessed her feelings for me and we started dating for a while" I told her.
"I see" she says taking another sip of her water.
"You? Have you ever kissed another girl?" I asked her.
"No. You were the first and that wasn't even really a kiss" she says looking into my eyes without any visible emotion.
"So you walked away from me because you had never kissed a girl before or because you didn't want to kiss me?" I tell her with a confidence that I don't know where it came from.

I could feel her breathing speed up her chest was rising and falling faster, I moved a little closer to her.

"Do I make you nervous?" I asked her
"Puff nervous? No one makes me nervous dear" she says moving a little closer to me making me nervous.

"Boss, your father is on the phone" A man in a suit entered the room handing her the phone.
"Thank you Collin."

She answered the call on speaker as she organized some papers that were on her desk.

"Hi Dad."
"Hi fairy, how are you?" her father says on the other end of the phone.
"I'm fine, how are you?"
"All good, your idea has been a success."
"That's good to hear daddy" She says with a smile as she puts some papers in a drawer.
"Mon amour, I'm calling because I have good news."
"Oh what is it ?"
"Tyler has arrived in town" the man says making Y/n stop everything she was doing as if she was frozen.
"When is he arriving ?" Is all she says now taking the phone in her hand but it was still on speaker.
"This morning, he's pretty excited to see you, in fact he can't wait to" the man says with a flirtatious tone making Y/n roll her eyes.
"Well I'm pretty busy today" she says.
"Can you invite him to your club tonight, I know you guys are having an event today" the man says.
She sighed "okay"
"Great! I think he's your type, he's even more muscular than last time he came" the man says laughing.
"okay dad I have to go, I'll see you later".

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