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Bags- Clairo.

Lizzie's POV.

"What did you have in mind" I said.
"I was thinking of going to the club, what do you say?"
"I'm in" I said excitedly.
"great, see you in a few hours then" he says leaving a kiss on my cheek.

I headed to my room, is it wrong for me to go with him to have a good time? I mean this whole situation has made me feel stressed and a little charged up, I think I deserve to go out for a while and have some fun and a good time.

I went to my room and took a long shower, I tried to assimilate what has happened in the last few days and it's a lot, I can't imagine what this family must be going through if I'm honest.

Being here right now is a bit overwhelming, there is too much sadness running through these walls and I feel like I am sinking with them, I mean of course I am sad about Paolo's death but I need some space to breathe so I can stop thinking.

I got out of the shower and looked for something to wear, after a few minutes I found what I was looking for, after getting dressed I did my makeup and just seconds after finishing I heard a knock on my door.

"Are you ready? "is the first thing I hear as I open my door.
"I am" I said smiling.
"Wow Lizzie, you look amazing" Tyler says.
"Thanks, now let's go"

It took us some time to get to the club but once there I could finally let my body relax, Tyler brought in his hands a tray of shots. Thank goodness this is what I need to get me through the bitter pill of my last interaction with Y/n.

"Are you having fun ?" Tyler asks as he moves his body against mine.
"Yes, I really needed this."

We kept dancing for hours, I was having such a good time that I completely forgot everything, the sadness, the pain, the war, everything.

But there came a time when my body was tired so Tyler and I decided to go back to the palace. I drove as Tyler was too intoxicated to do it himself.

When we arrived I helped him out of the car and into the palace, the doors opened on their own without me having to do anything.

When my eyes met hers I knew that going with Tyler was not a good idea at all.

"Help him to his room" Y/n orders her guards.
"Yes ma'am" they reply.

When they leave our sight she proceeds to speak.

"I literally have no words Elizabeth," she says.
"I'm sorry i-"
"I just buried my father a few hours ago Elizabeth and I have to be worrying if something bad might have happened to you."

She was upset but her voice was calm as if she didn't want to get anyone's attention.

"I'm sorry I just needed to distract myself" I confessed and it was something I shouldn't have done.
"Oh forgive me if you needed a distraction, I guess I was wrong for worrying about you, for worrying that maybe I had lost you like I did my father" her eyes had tears in them but she wouldn't allow herself to cry.
"What I wanted to say is that this thing that has happened is too much for me I needed to get out of here " I said trying to say the right words but once again I was wrong.
"Ha you are so selfish just thinking about yourself, I'm the one who lost my dad, I'm the one who has the responsibility of thousands of people on top of me and yet you're the one who needs to get out of here? How funny" she says

She's right I'm fucking selfish.

"I have many things that depend on me Elizabeth I can't be your fucking babysitter and since you want so much distraction and free yourself from this fucking place you can do it, they don't want you anymore, they already killed my father and with him they killed me, they destroyed everything so you are not their target, you can leave this place whenever you like" that's all she says before she leaves.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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