Don't hurt yourself

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Don't hurt yourself- Beyoncé


One of the things I've always made sure I never let my parents down, especially Dad.

He is the best man I know, he has done everything in his power to make sure we never lack for anything.

He has been there for me every step of the way, it is important to me what he thinks of me, it is important to me his appreciation, it is important to me that he is proud of me and that is why it affects me so much to have disappointed him yesterday.

I was stupid and careless, I can't believe I let my jealousy get the worst of me, but I will make it right.

"Stop overthinking, he'll get over it" Bella says sitting in front of my office desk.
"I just feel fucking bad for being so stupid."
"Well, yes you acted stupidly but you learned that in those situations you should act with your head and not get carried away by your feelings or emotions" Bella reasons.
"Yeah, you're right"
"I'm always right" she says making us giggle.

A knock on the door interrupted our conversation.

"Come in" I said loud enough for the person outside to hear.

The door slowly opened and when my eyes fell on hers my world seemed to have stopped, her green eyes looking at me intently.

"How can I help you Elizabeth" I said as she walked towards my desk.

She stood behind Bella who was now tense.

"Are we training today?" Lizzie asks.
"Yes, of course" I say.
"okay, perfect just wanted to make sure" Elizabeth says.
"Y/n let me remind you of the meeting we have at 2:30 with the staff and your family" Bella interjects.
"Fuck I forgot that" I said sighing stressed as I massaged my temples with my hands.
"Maybe someone else could train her" Bella's voice hides something that I couldn't decipher

The whole situation was stressing me out and frustrating me, I mean the meeting is completely necessary and important there is no way in hell it can't be done, but on the other hand training Elizabeth makes it so I can spend time with her.

"No, no one else will train Elizabeth" I said firmly.

My eyes were closed as I continued to massage my temples.

"Okay, jezz relax, let me fix you a glass of whiskey" Bella says making Lizzie giggle, I opened my eyes to see what was going on.
"Y/n don't like whiskey, she thinks it taste like gasoline, I guess you don't know her as much as you think you do, she prefers tequila" Lizzie says with a smirk on her face as she walks towards the small bar in my office.

She starts pouring me a shot of tequila as I watch her closely, I could feel the tension between these two women, it was obvious.

"So what do you plan to do about the meeting and the training?" Elizabeth asks placing the shot in front of me.
"The meeting will be late tonight," I replied softly.
"You'll do what?" Bella almost screams.
"You heard what I said."
"I can't believe what you are doing Y/n, just reminding you that the business it's the most important thing" Bella says angry.
"and I know that Isabella" she knows that when I use her full name I am losing my patience "the meeting will happen just later, I don't understand what your fucking problem is, I am very clear that the business is the most important thing that's why I will do the meeting, I don't understand then what is your problem in it happening earlier or later when it will happen anyway" I said
"The problem is that you are putting someone above this mob" Bella yells out.
"And you're fucking jealous of that, that the person she's putting over this mob isn't you" Elizabeth speaks before me, her annoyance was quite visible.
"What you're saying is so fucking stupid, I would never be jealous" Bella denies.
"You're fucking lying" Elizabeth says.

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