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Wings- birdy


"it's so good to see you again Elena" I said hugging the woman.
"It's good to see you too after these long months" she says reciprocating the hug.

We parted and Elena's attention went straight to Lizzie.

"Oh and who is she?"
"This is Elizabeth, Elizabeth this is Elena" I introduced her.
"It's a pleasure to meet you" they both said shaking hands.
"So come on in" the woman said opening the door to her house even wider.

We started to walk inside the place, Elena is a middle class girl and I think that's why dad had his doubts that she really loved Damon, which is stupid, from far away you could see the love she had or has for him, I don't know yet but I'm about to find out.

We walked to her living room and sat down.

"So how have you been?" I asked.
"Everything has been good, I'm studying and working at the same time so my life has been a little hectic you could say, what about you?"
"Well I've been working hard in the family business, I've been studying too but you know how my parents take that part of our lives" I said sighing.
"Yeah, pretty sure I do, sorry to hear that your parents still think the same way about your careers" she says with a sympathetic smile.
"Well you know them"

Elena turned to look at Lizzie who was looking at me.

"How long have you known each other?" Elena asks.
"About four months" she replies smiling.
"It's only been four months and she's already shared time with your family?" Elena says with her eyes wide
"Yes, why?" I asked
"Y/n/n you never trust anyone, it literally took me a year of dating your brother to get into your house" she says dramatically causing Lizzie and I to laugh
"She's special" I said looking at Lizzie who was blushing.
"I can see that" Elena says smiling

I saw Elena take a deep breath making me realize that the conversation was going to change.

"So how is your brother?" She asks.
"He's fine, he's helping me quite a bit at work, but he misses you."
"He told you? "she asked.
"Yes, you know how hard it is for us to express our feelings so the fact that he told me is a big deal."
"Yeah, I know, the Salvatore's never show emotions or feelings" she says making Lizzie laugh.
"Do you still love him?" I asked.
"Yes, I do" she said without hesitation.
"Then why do you guys make it so hard?"
"It's not us Y/n/n, it's your dad" she confesses.

And just like that the room went silent, Lizzie moved close to me putting her hand in mine intertwining them.

"Can you explain what you mean?" I said

Lizzie stroked the back of my hand with her thumb seeing how serious this conversation was becoming. Somehow her touch gave me calm.

"Okay, so in the beginning everything was perfect, you know how every relationship starts... Damon was always looking to protect me and that's why he did what I guess you're doing, you know what I mean?" Elena says referring to my family's secret.

I just nodded letting her continue talking.

"When Damon made things official with me, your father decided it was his right to tell me things and not Damon, the way he did it wasn't right and it made me scared."
"What did he do to you?" I asked angrily
"I'll tell you another day" she says

I knew she was saying it so Lizzie wouldn't have to listen to all that and get scared too.

"I don't blame your father, I know he did it to protect you guys but that broke me to pieces, breaking up with Damon was and still is one of the hardest things for me" Elena says with her eyes watery.
"But you love each other, it's a different time now, I know you guys can make it, I have faith in you guys" I said sincere
"You think so?"
"Of course, you should talk to my brother... how about talking to him tomorrow?" I proposed
"That sounds great" she says excited.
"Perfect, I'll talk to him so you two can get on the same page."
"Thanks Y/n/n" Elena says standing up from the couch to hug me.

I'm sure the hug felt like a relief to her.

Lizzie and I walk out of the woman's house and get in my car again.

The silence was oppressive.

"What's on your mind?" I asked her
"How about your father doing the same with me?" She says and I could sense fear in her voice
"I won't let that happen baby, I promise, I won't let anything happen to you or us" I said intertwining our hands and bringing them to my mouth to leave a kiss on hers.
"Okay, I trust the way baby can you take me home?"
"Did I do something wrong?" I said as I heard her want to go to her house instead of mine.
"No baby, I just need to do some things" she says bringing our hands to her lap.
"Okay, but will I get to see you tonight angel?"

I swear going two seconds without her feels like an eternity.

"Yep, when I finish doing my stuff I'll call you to pick me up, that's okay?" She asks with a smile.
"That's perfect."

After dropping Lizzie off at her house I headed to mine, I did some chores I had pending for the next week.

I haven't heard from Lizzie since three hours ago when she texted me that she was going to go shopping for some things.

I literally don't feel good, it's this uneasy feeling and I don't understand why, I'm probably paranoid for wanting to protect her twenty four seven. I just don't want anything to happen to her.

I just wish she would text me that she's home now and I can come get her at her house.

It was already nine o'clock at night and she finally texted me that she had just gotten home, so I didn't take a second to get in my car to go get her.

I couldn't help but have a smile on my face, I was going to see her again.

My security detail followed me in one of their cars.

We drove to Lizzie's house but I didn't like what I found, the ju gates were open. It's very strange, Lizzie always makes sure to close them whenever her car is in the driveway.

Once we drove further into her driveway I saw her car parked but the driver's door was open, I quickly got out of my car and ran to hers.

Her car was still running, there were some of her things that had fallen on the ground. FUCK.

"Look for her inside the house" I ordered my men.

They didn't last a second in carrying out my orders.

My heart was beating in thousands of seconds, my breathing was getting faster and faster, I was

I was afraid.

She has to be fine, she's probably in her room and forgot to turn off her car because her mother called her on the phone.


My men left the house, but she didn't leave with them, I could feel the desperation in me, I wanted to scream but I knew I had to keep my composure.

"Boss, we found this" one of my men says.

He hands me a piece of paper that says.

You should watch out for your new enemies, I guess they know more than you think :p don't underestimate them.


I'm going to find those motherfuckers and kill them.

I've never wanted to kill anyone, but now I can't stand the urge to have them in front of me and shoot my bullets in their fucking heads. Motherfuckers will pay for this.


Heyyy there you guys!!

Hope you like this chapter and have a wonderful happy new year 🎊💜🤍🫶🏻

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