November rain

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November rain- Guns N' Roses

Lizzie's POV.

I saw her enter the house, she had a big smile on her face, I hadn't seen her this happy since she came back.

She made her way to her room as I walked into the living room, running into Paolo.

"Hey Lizzie dear, do you know where Y/n is?" He asks.
"Yes as a matter of fact I just saw her come in, she is now in her room."
"Thanks "he says leaving the place.

I just wonder why she would smell like that? I mean she doesn't smoke and why would she smell like gasoline? It's all very strange.

It took her two hours to shower, for some strange reason I had to be present at this meeting.

She is standing at the head of the table while everyone takes their seats in the meeting room.

"So we have gathered you here tonight because we have something very important to talk about" she starts "first of all I want to let you know that tonight we have been to successful..."

Murmurs started to be heard wondering what Y/n was talking about and honestly I was just as confused as the rest of them.

I turned to look at Paolo thinking he might have an idea of what his daughter was talking about but he looked just as confused as I was.

"As you all know the Lombardi's were planning to vandalize our warehouse, but it was impossible thanks to our amazing team... having said that, I decided to take a little revenge, to show them that no one should mess with us so I burned their fucking warehouse full of coke".

Wait did you hear what she said right? She burned down a fucking warehouse full of coke? Of course she did it I forgot I'm in love with a fucking psycho.

They were all celebrating the news, these people are crazy but I've learned to feel at home with them, is that weird? Probably.

"Oh that's my daughter, I'm so proud of you" Paolo says getting up from his seat to hug his daughter.

I could see Y/n's eyes light up as she heard his words, she didn't do it for her, she burned that whole place down for him, to make him happy.

That's when I understood everything, she would do anything for that man, the love she has for her father is so strong that she would fight against the world just to make him happy.

That makes me miss my own father, seeing Paolo and Y/n's little interaction made a smile on my lips.

"Okay let's continue with this meeting, there are many issues we need to talk about especially now that the Lombardi's are going to want to have a rematch" Y/n continues.

The meeting lasted about an hour, I was so tired that all I could think about was sleeping.

I was walking to the elevator when a voice made me stop.

"Hey beautiful" Tyler says to me.
"Oh hi" I replied.
"Do you want to do something fun?" He says with a smirk
"I don't know Tyler, I'm really tired"
"Come on love, don't be boring, let's have a lot of fun" he insists.
"What's your idea?" I asked.
"There's a party in town, I want to go with you" he says.

Okay I know I should say no, more knowing all the risks we are in right now, but going out sounds exciting, I've been cooped up for months and I want to be able to do something different with different people.

"Okay, I'm in" I said excitedly.
"Great" Tyler says excited too.
"I'm going to go change, I'll meet you back here in an hour?" I said
"Yes love" he says leaving a quick peck on my lips leaving me static.

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