Him & I

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Him & I- G- Eazy & Halsey


"Thank you for bringing me home" Elizabeth says once we were outside my car in her driveway.
"Sure" I said looking into her eyes, her eyes are so green, mesmerizing.
"I'll see you tomorrow at university?" She asks looking up at me through her lashes.
"I don't know yet, I hope I can go but most likely I won't go all this week."
"Why?" she says frowning.
"Do you remember the party my dad invited you to?"

I don't know why at this point I'm explaining myself to her.

"Well I have to help plan all the last details, this party has to be perfect, mostly because the people we do business with and my family will be there, so it's a bit of pressure."
"I'm sure everything will be perfect" she says with a smile, making my chest warm.
"I hope so."
"Your brothers will help you with the final details?" She asks.
"Ha are you crazy? I would never let them get their hands on the decorations, they are too clumsy they would probably damage everything" I say with a chuckle.

She laughed, ugh that damn laugh.

"If you want I can help you after classes " she proposes.
"Hmm I don't know, I don't want you to get involved in this, it's a lot of work" I said trying to hide the real why.
"I wouldn't mind."

There is no way she would take no for an answer.

"Okay" I said sighing knowing I had lost this one.
"Great, I'll see you tomorrow after class" she says.

Before I could say anything I felt her lips on top of mine, her sweet perfume entering me enveloping me in it, her hands went to my neck while mine went to her waist.

Her soft lips moving with mine, I don't know when we started kissing without sex being involved but I don't complain. I really like kissing her.

We both pulled away.

"Have a nice night" I said to her.
"You too, see you tomorrow."
"Try not to dream about me and miss me" I said with a smirk.
"You're so annoying" she says laughing as she walks towards the door of her house.

I watched her disappear inside the house, got in my car and started driving.

I really worry about Elizabeth being at the party, she is very naive, I don't want her to be around people that could be dangerous for her.

I can't leave her alone all night, I guess I will have to babysit her.

Ugh I am so upset with dad, he shouldn't have invited her, now I will have to take care of her, plan the party which happens to be the same day as my birthday, March 10th, besides that same day will be the execution of my plan which has to go perfect.

If my plan works out, which I bet it will, it will make us more millionaires than we already are, making me one of the most millionaire young women in the world, sounds cool huh?

I just have to think of a way to protect Elizabeth and at the same time protect our family secret from her.

Ugh the next few days I'll be stressed.

It's the next day and I'm trying not to freak out but this bitch in front of me doesn't seem to hear what I'm telling her.

"This looks fucking cheap, we're not going to use this for decorating" I said annoyed but without a sign of it on my face.
"I'm sorry but Mr. Salvatore ordered me to use this" the interior designer says with her voice nervous about my presence.
"Okay, you don't seem to understand who gives the orders here, my father will do as I say" my cold stare was on her.
"It's just that Mr. Salvatore said-" I cut her short.
"Look you don't seem to understand what I'm telling you, if you don't do what I order in seconds you will lose more than just your job understand?" I said crossing my arms.
"Yes Miss, I'm sorry" the woman says running out of the place.

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