Art deco

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Art deco- Lana del Rey

Lizzie's POV.

The next morning I woke up confused, this was not my room, memories of the night before came into my head. I went to look for her body under the covers but found an empty bed.

I couldn't help but feel annoyed, last night she had been comforting me and now she was gone, leaving me alone? Ugh

I don't know why I hated waking up like this so much, it's weird because yesterday we had a moment we had never experienced before, she was Sweet and she cared about me or so I thought.

I took my phone that was on the nightstand and looked at the time, it's eight thirty, I walked into her bathroom and took a shower, I was ready to leave this place, my annoyance is bigger than me right now.

After putting on my clothes from the day before I opened the door of the room ready to leave but when I opened it I saw a tall man dressed in a black suit in front of the door, he seemed to be waiting for me.

"Miss Olsen, Miss Salvatore asked me to escort you to the dining room for breakfast" the man says.
"Thank you but I will be on my way home" I said giving the man a half smile.
"I'm really sorry but I order it and he will be too upset if you don't go" I could see the fear in the man's eyes.

I don't understand why everyone is so afraid of her? It's not like she's going to kill them for an order not being followed, however I didn't want to get the man in trouble.

"Okay" I said sighing.

The man led me towards one of the dining rooms.

I took the opportunity to admire the place, it's fucking gigantic, the decorations look very expensive, it seemed that everything that was shiny in that house was gold but I don't think it's possible for that to be the case, I mean they have more money than I can imagine but so much that half of the house if not more is decorated with gold?

We walked inside the large dining room finding Y/n sitting at the head of the table, Tyler was sitting next to her, Damon was sitting next to Tyler and Stefan didn't seem to have arrived.

Y/n was laughing at something if brother and Tyler were saying, her posture was more relaxed, I had never seen her like this before, her smile could easily light up this room.

She stopped laughing once her attention fell on me, her gaze was soft but she quickly wiped it away.

"Elizabeth what a surprise to see you here" Damon says "would you mind joining us for breakfast?"

Her eyes were on me, I could feel them burning my skin because of how intense her gaze was.

"Sure" I said walking over to the seat next to Y/n.

As I sat down, the chef and his assistants started putting the food on the table which looked delicious.

"How did you sleep?" She says softly but loud enough for me to hear her.
"Okay" I said coldly making her frown.

It was actually the best I've slept in a long time, the bed is really comfortable and the warmth from her made it so I could sleep pleasantly.

"So Y/n/n I was thinking we could go this coming week to the cabin for some quality time, what do you say?" Tyler says. Ugh the thought alone irritates me.
"That sounds good, we can go tomorrow" Damon says.
"Oh actually I was thinking of going alone with Y/n" Tyler says.

My attention went to her, she wasn't showing any emotion, her face is blank. All she was doing was blinking slowly.

"Sounds good but I have classes to attend to" she says putting a croissant on her plate.
"Oh come on Y/n/n everyone here knows that the careers you three are doing won't do you any good, at the end of the day that won't be the job you will be performing in" the man says with a smirk.

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