Who is she?

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Who is she?- i monster


The next morning I walked into the dining room of my parents' big house, I decided to stay here for a couple of days because my parents insisted that it would be safer for me to stay here and not in my own house.

As I said before we have a lot of money, so of course each of the children has their own house.

When I entered the dining room I met my parents who smiled when they saw me, I took a seat next to my father in front of my mother.

"Did you sleep well?" Mom asked.
"Yes" I lied, I didn't want them to know about the nightmares I've been having since I got back, I don't want to worry them.
"I promise I will make them pay my little girl" my father says looking at my bruised arms.
"Where are my brothers?" I ask hoping to put the subject behind me.
"They are training" mom replies taking a drink of her mimosa.

The chef put my specific breakfast in front of me, Right with my glass of mimosa.

"To which I think you young lady should be back soon" dad says.
"I want to talk about it with you" I said clearing my throat knowing that what I was going to say was not going to please them at all.
"What do you want to talk about dear?" my mom says now with her full attention on me.
"I don't want to be in this business anymore" I said lowering my head and in a soft tone of voice.
"What did you just say?" My dad says calmly.
"Dad you saw what they did to me, they kidnapped me for three and a half months."
"I know and you would have been able to beat them and run away if it hadn't been fifteen men against you, daughter you are the best fighter we have, you and Damon are the best and you know it" dad says taking my hand.
"I know dad but I'm tired of these wars" I said sighing.
"I promise you nothing like this will ever happen again" he tells me.
"You can't promise me that dad, this is a mafia you know very well that something like this can happen again to me or any of my brothers even mom" I said looking him in the eyes.
"I'm not going to let that happen again, you Y/n are the heir to all of this, without you and your ideas we wouldn't be half as powerful or rich as we are now. You are smarter than your brothers and you will be able to handle this mafia much better than me when the time comes."
"Dad I don't know" I said sighing again.
"Let's not argue about this anymore, I'm going to take care of you" he says letting me know that this topic had to be dropped "go train with your brothers".
"I can't, I'm supposed to go shopping with Bella" I said.
"What time are you meeting her?" He asks.
"At ten o'clock"
"It's seven thirty you have an hour and a half to train and then you can get ready to go shopping" he says standing up from the table leaving a kiss on my head and leaving the room.
"Take it easy daughter, trust your father he wants the best for you" mom says smiling at me.
"I know"
"Remember you have lunch with the mayor today, everything has to go perfect, Don't let your brothers talk," my mom tells me.
"Then what are they going for?" I asked confused.
"To make pressure" she says casually.
"Okay, I'm going to do the deal and everything will be perfect" I told her.
"I know you will, I would never doubt you, it's true what dad says without you we wouldn't be here" mom says with a smile.
"Thanks mommy, I better go train" I said standing up from the table taking the last sip of my mimosa.

Training again was something that helped me to get rid of the stress I've had in these last days, I know damn well who the fuckers that kidnapped me were but I don't plan to tell daddy anything for now, I just need to be stronger to go after them.

I got in the shower and started to get ready for my morning shopping with Bella.

We arrived at the mall followed by security my dad had follow us, it was going to be a perfect morning, I love to shop.

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