National Anthem

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National Anthem- Lana del Rey

Lizzie's POV.

I've been helping Y/n with the final preparations for her party all this week. We've been spending a lot of time together and she's even been... sweet to me.

It's evening and I'm just finishing dinner when my doorbell rings. It was strange because I wasn't expecting anyone.

I opened the door and saw Edward one of Y/n's security guys in front of me. He had a big box of Chanel in his hands.

"Miss Olsen, the boss sent this for you...she couldn't bring it herself because she had to take care of some business" the man in black suit says.
"Thank you" I said taking the box.

I went back to the dining room putting the box on the table. I can't believe she bought something for me.

I opened the box and saw the little note in there in her own handwriting.

"I saw this dress and thought it would look perfect on your body. I hope you like it.

I'll pick you up tomorrow night at eight o'clock to go to the party."

Reading those words made my stomach do somersaults. She bought this dress for me. For me.

The dress is beautifully perfect, of course it is black Just like she had said was the dress code. This makes me wonder how will she dress? Will she go with a dress or a suit? I bet she will look beautiful and hot in either.

I can't wait for tomorrow night.

I can't wait to see her

I finished doing my makeup by putting red lipstick on my lips. I'm not going to lie I'm nervous, her family and important people will be there.

I went down my stairs and heard the doorbell ring, I quickly put my gift for Y/n in my purse and went to open the door. I felt my stomach do somersaults with every step I took.

I opened the door and she was standing there, her eyes went up and down my entire body, my skin trembled as I felt her gaze burn every part of my body.

"The dress fits you exactly how I pictured it" she says smirking

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"The dress fits you exactly how I pictured it" she says smirking.
"I hope you are enjoying it" I said smirking back at her.
"Oh baby I will enjoy it more when I am taking it off" she says sending waves of heat all over my body.

Wait she just call me baby? OH. MY. GOD.

She was wearing a short black dress, with gold jewelry and black heels, she looks perfect as always. I can't wait to see what's under that dress, just thinking about it my body reacts.

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