I miss you, I'm sorry

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I miss you, I'm sorry- Gracie Abrams

Lizzie's POV.

The next few months were the hardest, she kept her promise to her father, she called twice a week and helped her family with the attacks against the Lombardi's.

It was hard to hear her voice when she called while we were all eating lunch or dinner at the table. She would even FaceTime with her family but I refused to even give her a small glance because I knew how hard it would be for me to continue if I saw her for a few Seconds.

At first I tried hard to hear from her, I kept refreshing her Instagram profile to see if there was anything new from her there but nothing, but on the contrary her best friend would upload everything the two of them did.

Bella would post pictures and videos of them together, you could tell they were having a great time over there, a great time without me and it hurt.

There were videos she took of Y/n taking tequila shots at clubs or videos of her at the pool, pictures of what they were eating, pictures of the places they were going.

The last picture Bella posted was of the two best friends smiling at the camera, Y/n had a black cap that matched her blouse.

The last picture along with the others and the videos infuriated me, how is it possible that she is having the time of her life while I am stuck here in this place, drowning in my feelings, without my family and my best friend?

It's not fair that I can't move on with my life while she is creating a new one for herself.

She never tried to look for me, not a call, not a message from her, just complete silence.

I know she gets information about me from home security but that doesn't make a difference at all.

I've been locked up here for months, I miss my best friend and my family and I can't even tell them half the truth of what's going on.

Aubrey has called me and we have talked, I have had to tell her that I had to fly home with my parents because of family situations and she seemed to understand.

On the other hand it has been a great help having Elena here, she has been my rock all these months, she has sat here listening to me talk about the same thing over and over again while I cry and she never complained, she stayed here listening to me and trying to give me comfort.

She is a good friend, she and Damon two months after Y/n left started to work out their problems, they talked about it and now they are in a better place, well I mean they are back together.

I'm happy for them though I can't help but feel jealous, wishing someone would fight for me like that, that they would stay here and not run away like they always do. 

Damon and Stefan have become good friends of mine, they treat me like I'm their sister and that's cool.

Monica and Paolo have been really awesome to me, they make me feel welcome and avoid touching any topic of conversation that has to do with Y/n.

The last two weeks have been better than the last two weeks. I haven't felt like a weight on my chest that won't let me breathe and that's probably thanks to Tyler.

I admit even I'm surprised by that, at first I didn't want him within five feet of me but lately he's been the only one to put a smile on my face.

Two weeks ago he came to my room and decided to invite me to go horseback riding with him, I was bored and didn't want to keep sinking in my misery so I accepted, after that day we kept hanging out and I realized that he is funny and has a good sense of humor.

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