Hurts like hell

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Hurts like hell- Fleurie.

Lizzie's POV.

We left the house where I was being held. The place was full of security.

It wasn't just her security, it was her entire family's and Bella's, at this point we probably have more security than the president.

We stood in front of our cars but before we got in I turned to the others.

Damon, Stefan and Bella were watching me carefully.

"Thank you guys for everything you did" I said looking at them.

They just nodded giving me a soft smile.

Y/n opened the car door for me, helping me into the car, once we had all gotten into the cars we started to leave the property.

We had cars full of security in front of us and behind us, it was like a movie. I have never experienced anything like this.

Y/n was driving and I could see her eyes looking at me from time to time when she had the chance, her eyes were full of concern. She was worried about me.

The car stopped for the red light, she turned to look at me, her eyes analyzing every inch of my body.

As her eyes fell on my wrists her jaw clenched causing my eyes to dart to the same spot.

My wrists were bruised, I had bruises covering them and a little blood on them from how tightly they were tied.

"I'm so sorry, you shouldn't have gone through that" she says, her voice weak.
"I'm fine, everything is fine now" I said trying to soften her up.

She went back to driving when the light changed.

Once I realized where Y/n was taking me my eyebrows furrowed.

Why is she taking me to my house and not hers?

I didn't dare say a word as I saw how tense she was.

Once we parked the cars in my driveway, she got out of the car and opened the door for me to get out.

Her siblings and Bella got out of their cars as well.

"You want us to stay here with you?" Damon asked his sister.

She shook her head.

"No, you guys can go, I'll see you later" she replies.
"Okay" they say nodding and getting into their cars.

Some of the security left with them.

We entered the house in complete silence, her security was surrounding my whole house, I felt safe.

My footsteps stopped when she did, we were standing in my living room, she wasn't looking at me, she had her gaze glued to the floor.

"This is all my fault, I'm so sorry" she says again.

I take two steps towards her staying inches closer to her.

"Baby I know you're sorry, but I'm here now, with you" I said taking her hands in mine causing her gaze to come up to mine.

Her eyes were watery but she didn't let any tears fall from them, it's the first time I've seen her like this, so vulnerable.

I tilted my head and I did what I wanted to do so badly.

I put my lips on top of hers, kissed her softly and she reciprocated instantly letting out a sigh.

Her lips soft as always.

she pulled away from the kiss faster than I wanted her to and her action confused me.

"I can't do this, not to you" she says confusing me even more.
"But I'm fine, I don't understand you."
"You shouldn't be fine, less than an hour ago you were kidnapped, you saw me kill someone and you saw many people bleed to death" she says everything she has been thinking about this time.

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