Bed of roses

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Bed of roses - Bon Jovi.

Lizzie's POV.

Seeing the pain and the state the Salvatore's were in broke my heart, Y/n was the only one who kept her composure.

The place was full of people who worked for and with them, people from different mafias, relatives I had seen on Y/n's birthday and others I had never seen

After Y/n dropped the white roses into the hole where the coffin was she took a few steps back with her gaze glued to the hole, her mother took her hand and hugged her tightly.

Monica's loud sobs could be heard on the spot. Y/n left a kiss on her mother's head. They let go and the three siblings moved away from the people, it was strange, I didn't understand what was happening, until the three of them took out their guns from their backs.

They pointed them towards the sky and fired three times, apparently it was a way to say goodbye to someone important in the mafia, once they did that everyone started to applaud.

The three siblings came back and I could see how
Y/n tensed her body was rigid and from one moment to the next she raised her gun pointing it at someone.

"How dare you show yourselves here?" she says angrily.

My eyes quickly flew to the direction the gun was pointed, the Lombardi's were in front of us, all dressed in black.

In a second all the guns were pointed at them.

"We came here to show our respect,"
Damiano says.
"We had nothing to do with this" Damiano's dad says.
"Are you fucking kidding me, how am I supposed to believe what you just said? We're in a fucking war right now, do you think I'm a fucking idiot?" Y/n yells at him, his gun still pointed at his head.
"I know we are at war but I swear my intentions were never this, I didn't kill him, my mafia is not behind this, I just wanted you to lose money, Y/n your father was my friend for many years, I know you and I know your family, I would be incapable of doing something as monstrous as this" the man says with teary eyes.
"this doesn't make sense, if it wasn't you then who was it?"
"I have no fucking idea but I will help you find out who did it and we will make him pay for this, girl."

I could see the doubt that was present in her head, she didn't know whether to believe him or not, she was in pain and confused.

"Daughter put the gun down, I believe him" Monica says.

Y/n does as her mom orders and turns to see one of her man and nodded to him giving the order to put dirt in the hole where her father was.

Damon and Stefan helped put dirt on their father, it was all too sad, people were crying, but not her, she seemed not to be present, she just watched everything.

I tried to see her eyes but her black glasses did the perfect job of hiding them, I have tried to stay strong for Y/n but it has been impossible, my tears have escaped from me more than once.

When the ground was close to the surface I saw Y/n turn around and leave the place.

She was walking fast, no one dared to question her, I assumed she was going to the palace needing time to herself, so I left her be and stayed with the rest of her family.

Once the funeral was over we headed towards the palace but when we arrived I didn't see her car at the entrance and that worried me.

I got out of the car and ran inside to look for her, she wasn't in the kitchen, she wasn't in the living room, I went to her room but she wasn't there either, my heart started racing thinking the worst.

She cannot die.

My eyes filled with tears as I ran through the corridors of the palace looking for her.

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