I wanna be the rain

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I wanna be the rain- RBD

Lizzie's POV.

Isn't it crazy how you go to sleep to forget everything and they come to visit you in your dreams?

Even when I'm asleep she's on my mind. Damn this is hell.

After everything she said to me in the middle of the night I couldn't even be able to pick up the pieces of my broken heart.

I'm devastated, everything I experienced with her felt so nice, so real. But the fact that she acts like it wasn't lets me understand that things weren't the way I thought they were.

I am upset with her and myself but at the same time I want to have her attention, I want her to be here next to me.

Although I think it's best to put distance between us, seeing her hurts me more than I can bear.

So I decided not to leave my room this morning for breakfast and not even for lunch, Elena was worried about me so before dinner she came to my room.

I told her everything that had happened, she looked really sad to see me in this state, my eyes and my nose red from crying so much, my voice was weak and all I could feel was a pain that seemed to have no end.

She completely understood my situation because she had already lived it with Damon but in different circumstances, so she decided that after dinner she would bring me something to eat in my room.

If any of them asked why I hadn't left my room she would simply say I don't feel well.

That gave me a little hope, maybe Y/n hearing that I wasn't feeling well she would come to see me, take care of me.

But once I saw Elena with a plate of food in her hand and a sad smile on her face I knew it wouldn't happen.

The pain became more and more unbearable, I wanted to leave this house, I didn't want to be here anymore.

But guess what? I am not allowed to leave this house unless I go with one of the Salvatore's and their security and come back here again. So that's a big no to leaving this house.

So I made my decision, I'm not going to leave my room, so I won't have to run into her in some hallway or while we are eating in the dining room.

And that's what I did for a whole week I didn't leave my room, the only person that came in here was Elena with food and her worried face.

We have become closer, she is the only person I have here that I can call a friend, I am not allowed to communicate with anyone else but my family, so talking to Aubrey is not something I can do so easily.

I have been trying to keep busy this week with my online classes but I feel like I am going crazy at this point. I have literally done all of my homework for this week and next week, I have nothing else to do anymore and it's making me desperate.

A knock on the door interrupted my thought cloud. I opened the door and there in front of me was a man dressed all in black.

"Miss Olsen, your presence is needed in the dining room" he says.
"What for?" I asked.
"For dinner."
"I'm not hungry, but thank you" I said closing the door.

But before I could close it the man's hand stopped the door forcefully not allowing me to complete my action.

"That's an order, you must go to dinner, they are already waiting for you" the man said.

Ugh it infuriates me to be forced to do things, it shouldn't be like this.

I stormed out of my room furious, I'm sure she won't be happy at all with my attitude.

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