Chapter Nine

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  "So this is nice, just you and I." Lucy said to me. I wrapped my arm around her. "You did really amazing in that wrestling match today." She said to me. "Thanks, I'm just glad that it's over now, I can finally spend some quality time with you." I said to Lucy. "You train really hard, it must be nice having a night off." She said to me.

  "Oh it is." I agreed as I tucked her hair behind her ears. "You know there's something that I wanted to talk to you about." Lucy said to me. "Okay." I said nervously. "The other weekend at that party you were really drunk, and we slept next to each other."
She said to me. "And?" I asked her. "Well, I mean have you ever thought about seeing me naked?" She asked me.

  "Well, that's kinda personal." I said aloud. "Oh come on Thomas, we've known each other our whole lives since we were like five." She said to me. "Okay, maybe once or twice." I said as my face turned red. "Also, have you been working out?" She asked me. "Oh, uh yeah." I said. "Well you really aren't that little boy who used to tease me on the playground anymore." She said to me.

  I didn't think that my results were noticeable yet but I guess they were. I hadn't really given much thought to my body other than when I was in the spotlight for matches. If my girlfriend likes the way I look it must mean something. "Hey, you okay?" Lucy asked me as she tapped my shoulder. "Oh, yes i'm fine just thinking." I told her snapping back into reality.

  Later on that day I was at the park running, I was just about finished when I saw Jake. "Hey," Jake said from afar. "How's it going?" I asked him. "Alright." He said as he was watching me finish up my run. "You know the cutting weight part is over for now, right?" Jake asked me.

  "I just really like running." I told Jake as I finished my last mile. "Well you are looking more muscular." He told me. "Thanks I guess." I said to him as I took out my earbuds. "I wish I had your physique." Jake told me. I was starting to wonder why everyone was talking about my body all of a sudden. But hey, at least they're noticing, right? I thought to myself.

  "I wish I had a girlfriend bro." Jake said to me. "What about you know who?" I asked. "Oh well, you know it's complicated." He said to me as he scratched his head. "Friends with benefits?" I asked. "I don't know, it's weird I don't know what we are." He told me. "Wanna come over for a while?" He asked me. "Sure." I said as we headed over to his house.

  His house wasn't far from where mine was and the park was nearby both of our houses. "Hey Jake, I made macaroni and cheese for dinner." Jake's Mom said as we came in the door. "Hi Thomas, I made plenty so feel free to help yourself." His mother told me. I thanked her as Jake handed me a bowl. I had barley eaten anything today so I was practically starving.

  I figured that maybe I should treat myself tonight because I have been training for weeks and working hard to cut my weight. "Also, congratulations on wining your match tonight you two." Jake's mother told us. We thanked her as we sat down in the living room on the couch with our food.

  "Well, I'm going out of town for the weekend and your Father has a business trip so behave while we are gone." Jakes's mother told him. "Mom relax I'm Fifteen you can trust me," Jake said to his mother. "If you have any emergencies you can call your sister she's only an hour away." Jake's mother said as she grabbed her luggage and handbag.

  "Have a safe trip and don't worry I can handle this," Jake said to his Mother, I could tell he was desperately trying to get her to leave so he could have the house to himself for the weekend. "All righty then behave and I will see you when I get back, bye Thomas." Jake's mother told the two of us.

  "You staying over tonight?" Jake asked me. "Hell yeah, this is gonna be so cool!" I said to Jake as I started to jump up and down. "You know what you should do?" Jake said to me. "What?" I asked him. "Tell Lucy to come over." Jake told me. "Maybe, i'll see." I said to him. "Or we could have a party," Jake said. "I don't know, won't your Mom kill us I mean you heard her," I said nervously. "Dude come on we can totally pull this off," Jake said to me.

  "Alright fine, call up some people then," I said as we finished up our macaroni and cheese. "I'm limiting the amount to 10 people." Jake said. "I don't care." I said as I opened up the door for Lucy. "Hey, Baby," I said to her as I greeted her with a kiss. "Hey, yourself." She said to me. "Oh get a damn room you too." Jake said as he rolled his eyes at us.

  "Would you like some macaroni and cheese?" I asked her. "Sure," she said as we headed to the kitchen. "So is this gonna be like a party?" She asked me as I handed her the macaroni and cheese.  "Yeah, but it's not gonna be too big," I told her. She seemed relieved when I told her that, I knew she didn't like big crowds and personally I didn't either.

  "Okay, change of plans," Jake said. "What?" We asked Jake. "There's a party at Logan's that's where everyone is I just saw it on Snapchat," Jake explained. "You go ahead, we have something to take care of first," I said to Jake. "Okay, fine but hope you guys come to the party," Jake said to us as he headed out the door. "So we're alone again," I said to Lucy.

  "Yeah it's kinda nice," Lucy said as her cheeks flushed. "How was that?" I asked her as she finished her macaroni and cheese. "Delicious, I barely ever eat that kind of stuff anymore." She said to me. "Why don't you?" I asked her. "Well, because I'm a cheerleader and I have to be on a strict diet almost always." She examined to me. "I get that, it's the same with wrestling," I explained to her.

  "I didn't think guys cared about stuff like that," Lucy said to me. "When you're in sports it's different," I explained. "So how about that party?" She asked me. "You know we don't have to go we can just stay here," I told her. "I'd like that," she agreed as we cuddled up on the couch together to watch some movies.

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