Chapter Fourteen -

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  Somehow the months have been going by since school had started. The first and second and third semester had gone by rather quickly. It was also the spring time now and Thomas and Britney were on again off again in their relationship.

  Thomas was the wrestling champion now and it seemed like everything was finally falling into place for him, well except for a couple of things. He caught his father cheating on his Mom with his assistant one day when he secretly skipped school. It made him sick to his stomach to find out that his Father was cheating on his Mother.

  Lucy and him were on the verge of breaking up again and he honestly didn't even want to do it anymore. Because he kept thinking about his parents and how their relationship was going to shit over his affair. He honestly couldn't care less about being in a relationship at the moment.

  He was in his party phase of his high school career and he also started vaping to try and cope with everything that had been going on in his life. He also was having a hard time with school because of his ADHD. He dealt with ADHD his whole life basically since kindergarten but now that he was older it was becoming more difficult for him to focus on school and basically just about anything.

  He was having panic attacks almost every day sometimes more than once a day, he was trying his best not to let the people around him see how much he was failing apart on the inside and out. Working out had become his new favorite thing over the past year and a half. His parents didn't even notice much about their son because they were too busy arguing with each other almost daily.


  "And it's a tap out!" Thomas heard the coach shout from inside the locker room. He was hooking up with Lucy inside the locker room closet. They've been making out for almost an hour and a half. "Shhh, I hear someone coming." Thomas whispered to Lucy as he put his hand over her mouth. "Thomas?" His buddy Logan asked confused. "Coach is looking for you." Logan said trying to find Thomas.

  Just then he turned the closet door open but it was locked. Lucy hide behind a punching bag as Thomas buttoned his shirt back up and fixed his hair. "Logan?" Thomas asked. "Where were you?" "The coach is asking about you." Logan asked Thomas. "I got sick." Thomas lied as he looked at Logan. "Laxatives again?" Logan asked him curiously. "No, just ate something bad from the cafeteria." Thomas lied.

  "Well, I guess I'll be Champion again soon enough if you keep missing practice like this." Logan to me as he walked back into the GYM. I rolled my eyes as I headed back towards the closet. I was hoping Lucy didn't hear that. "Uh, what was he talking about?" Lucy asked with tears streaming down her face. "Uh n-n-n-'n nothing." I stuttered as I walked back to the bench to sit down next to Lucy.

  "Laxatives, I thought you didn't do stuff like that Champion?" Lucy asked me as she continued to cry. "He's a liar he doesn't know what he's even talking about!" I told told Lucy. "I think he does know and you aren't being honest with me!" Lucy told me angrily. "So you really think I abuse laxatives?" I asked her as I felt my chest tightening up.

  "Well I mean I have been noticing a lot of changes in you lately." Lucy explained to me. "Yeah well guess what Lucy you've changed too, you barely know me anymore either." I told her. "We keep doing this and I can't take it anymore." I told Lucy as I could feel myself slipping into a panic attack.

  "What are you saying then?" She asked me. "I'm saying you can believe what you want to believe about me but I'm done with you and I'm done with this whole situation ship that we have going on." I told her. "Good, I'm glad we're done, and by the way I'm glad that we're over and it'd better be for good this time." She told me as she walked out of the locker room.

  I had to get out of this school, and maybe just clear my head for a while. After the final bell rang I grabbed my stuff and I swear I never ran out the door so fast before in my life. I had my watch set to see how long I could run today. I put my running playlist on shuffle play and I continued running.

  "Mom, Dad I'm home." I said as I walked into my house. I was surprised when I got no answer from them. I walked back outside to check the garage maybe they just didn't hear me I thought. To my surprise both cars were gone. I walked upstairs to my room and my head was pounding and my legs felt like they were on fire.

  I felt too exhausted to really care about what they were doing right now. I pulled out my vape from my pocket and took a hot or two. It tasted like Vanilla, fuck how it tasted like Lucy. She loved Vanilla and so did I because it always reminded me of her in a way.

  Suddenly I felt sick to my stomach I practically jumped out of my bed and over to my toilet. I dry heaved somehow but this time it wasn't stopping. I gagged again and then I felt my chest tighten up almost like I couldn't breathe or something.

  Thoughts started to take over my mind from what happened earlier. It seemed like my thoughts were constantly consuming me nowadays. My throat felt like it was burning out from my stomach acid. I walked over to my sink and washed my hands and splashed some cold water onto my face.

  Suddenly I heard my phone ring and to my surprise it was Logan. "Hey man, what's up?" "I thought you were mad at me?" I asked him confused. "No, just a bit worried about you coach has been asking me some questions about you lately." Logan explained to me. "Like what kind, and why are you worried about me?" I asked him.

  "You've been skipping practices a lot lately and I mean I think that girl is getting into your head." He said to me. "Only because I've been getting stomach bugs on and off, and no she isn't and won't be a problem anymore." I explained. "I see." Logan said. "Why'd you call me, I thought you'd be with your girlfriend or something?" I asked him.

  "I actually thought we could hang out or something?" He asked me. "Hang out?" I thought to myself, I'm so exhausted thought. "Uh, okay, let me ask my Mom, give me a minute." I lied to him. I waited a few minutes before I went back on the phone to give a fake excuse.

  "She said no she's making me go grocery shopping with her." I lied to him. "That's okay, talk to you later man." He told me as I hung up. "What's wrong with me?" I wondered to myself as I felt my stomach churn from my nerves once again. "Am I gonna puke again?" I wondered to myself. Suddenly I heard the front door open and I heard my Mother coming in and she sounded upset.

  My Father was following behind her and I was trying to brace myself for what was going to happen now. I heard footsteps coming up to my room and I then heard a nock on my bedroom door. "Just a minute." I said as I tried to make myself look presentable and not like I just had an anxiety attack. I took a few deep breaths and then I opened the door.

  "Thomas, your mother and I would like to talk to you." My Father told me as they entered my room. "This can't be good." I thought to myself. "Come with us to the living room so we can tell you our news." My Mom told me. I got up from sitting at my desk and my head felt a little bit hazy and my legs felt really sore and my hands were still shaky.

  As we walked downstairs I noticed they had a cup of ice cream set down on the table for me. "We want you to have this." My Father said as he handed it to me. "Thanks, maybe later I'm not too hungry at the moment coach took us out for pizza after practice earlier." I lied as I turned down the offer. "I'll take it then." My Mother said as she stuck it in the freezer.

  "I don't know if you're aware but I sorta um had an affair with my assistant at work over the past few months." My father explained to me. I nodded my head and I could feel my head start to ache already. "Your mother and I feel that it's best if we get a divorce." My Father said as my Mother sat down too. "Wow, I mean really, I mean, uh can't you two work through this?" I asked him as I felt my eyes water up.

  "Well, you see it's just not the same anymore Thomas we also don't want to be putting you through this kind of situation." My Mother said as she sipped her coffee. "Son please try to understand that I never meant to hurt you or your Mother." My Father said to me.

"It's fine, uh I appreciate you two for telling me this I uh actually have a lot of homework to do so I better get on it." I said as I walked back up to my bedroom. Honestly I wasn't even in the least bit surprised by their news. I honestly saw it coming, and I don't know how to feel anymore really at all. Lucy and I are done now at least I think we are. I found my phone and plugged it in then I went back to sleep considering it was around eleven thirty at night.

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