Chapter Twenty Three

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  It was now a week since Thomas passed out and went to the hospital. He was moved to an eating disorder clinic center for children and teens. His parents and the Doctor's felt that it was the best choice for him. Thomas however on the other hand wasn't taking any of this the greatest.

  "So then I ended up here when I got down to 80 pounds." A blond haired girl explained as she slouched in her chair. "Thank you for sharing your story Hilary." The Therapist told the blond haired girl. I smiled at her for a couple of seconds she looked so pretty even thought she was sick just like me.

  "Who else's would like to share their story?" The Therapist asked everyone. I kept my head down not wanting to make eye contact with the therapist. "How about you Henry?" The Therapist asked a boy who looked like he could have been around the same age as me. "Well, I guess I could." The boy said as he rolled his eyes.

  "Over the summer I gained some weight and I ended up getting up to 210 and some kids at school started to pick on me." "You see I let it really get to me because I was never really ever fat and when I started getting called fatty and like fat ass at school, that's when I knew I needed to get back to where I used to be." "It started out innocent, I was working out I started running and I watched what I ate."

  "The weight started to come off pretty fast when I started doing all of that, then I was like getting these unbearable cravings of things I cut out of my diet." "Once I found a way to eat all the bad stuff without gaining weight I felt like a whole new person because I at the time discovered a new secret way to lose weight."

  I already had a feeling I knew what he was about to say next. "That was making myself throw up when I ate the things that I thought were bad for me." "I did it one night, I binged on all sorts of things and I swore I'd never do it again." "That I'd be better the next day, but I wasn't you see I was already addicted to making myself throw up."

  "The cycle lasted for about six months or so until my father caught me doing it one day and that's how I ended up here." Henry told all of us. "Very heart breaking story." The therapist said to him. "Lindsey how about you?" The therapist asked. Was this ever going to end? I wondered to myself. "I was so happy when I became a cheerleader and even more happier when I got voted captain." The girl said.

  "But they had a strict rule about weight you couldn't gain any weight while you were on the team or you were off." "I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't let that happen to myself." "So I started counting my calories, ate right, cut carbs I started to skip breakfast and then I started to only eat salad at lunch time."

  "After cheer practice my parents would be waiting for me at the dinner table but I'd lie and say I had a really big lunch or that I ate at a friends house." "It started getting hard for me to fall asleep at night because I wasn't eating enough and my hair was falling out." "I started doing poorly in school and I was really struggling with my body image."

  "I'd spend hours in front of the mirror putting makeup on and I felt fat all the time even though I was not nor was I ever." "At a certain point I guess I just totally stoped eating food, I would sneak out of my house and go for run's or walks every night." "One night I passed out in my bathroom and my little sister found me." "I think I weighed like 89 pounds or so when I was at my worst, and that's how I ended up here." Lindsey said to everyone.

  "Thank you for sharing your story with us Lindsey." The Therapist said. "Thomas, I know your new here but how about you?" The therapist asked me. "Uh, okay I guess." I said as I was shaking from my nerves. "Just relax Thomas no one's here to judge you." The therapist told me. "So I guess it all started when I joined the wrestling team at my school." I explained.

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