Truth Or Dare (1)

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(this is a nsfw mars x earth one shot, I advise you, this is going to be cringe.
Ah, btw their sort of human, I might post my human version of them later on)

They were playing cards again TvT

Earth:"ha! I won!"
Mars:"ah.. Well played Earth"

As Earth chuckled in satisfaction, Mars had an idea.

Mars:"wanna try playing Truth or Dare?"
Earth:"fine, i choose Dare."
Mars grins to himself.

Mars:"I dare you to took off your shirt"
Earth blushes because of the request.

Earth tooks off his shirt slowly..
Mars:"wow, you look adorable.."
They were both blushing now.

Earth:"as we were saying, truth or Dare..?"
Earth:"whats a thing you like a about me?"

Mars stops for a second before answering
Mars:"i guess I like your smile a lot.."
Earth:"aw that's cute"
Mars:"Now I dare you to hug me"
Earth:"well that doesn't sound so bad"

They hug tightly, head to head and heart to heart.
Earth:"this feels nice.."
Mars:"doesn't it?"

Mars gives Earth a little kiss on the head,
Making Earth skip a beat.

Mars:"okay, my turn"
Earth:"truth or Dare?"
Mars:"Dare me while you can"

Earth:"I dare you to let me tickle your neck"
Mars:"ugh, fine.. >:["

Earth grins, knowing that mars is really ticklish.
As he starts to tickle his neck,
Mars shakes in anticipation.

Mars:"Earth! S-stop it!"
Earth kept chuckling as his "best friend" was being so vulnerable to his touch

Mars tried not to laugh but soft chuckles and giggles come out of his mouth inevitably.

Earth:"fine, I'll stop"
He said as he smirked with his cheeky attitude.
Mars still was trying to catch some breath.

Mars:"*pant pant* truth or Dare..?"
He said weakly.
Earth:"Dare me"
Mars:"i dare you *pant* to kiss me~"

Earth almost jumped in shock
Mars:"Ha! Look at your face! I'm just joking man!"
Earth:"haha, good one mars.."
He chuckled nervously as his cheeks were flushed from the unexpected dare.

Mars:"or was I?~"
Mars gets closer to Earth's face, caressing his cheek
Earth:"don't tease me like this Mars!"

Mars chuckles and smirks as he gets closer
Mars:"you're so adorable~"

Earth looks deeply in his eyes, he was more confused than ever.
Earth:"so are you gonna kiss me or not...?"
Mars blushes to the sudden question, but smiles and bites his lower lip right after

Mars:"do you want me to..?~"
Earth couldn't hide his desires anymore.

Earth:" y-yes please.."
Mars pulls him into a passionate and intimate kiss.
Earth gasps and his heart was pounding faster than ever.

He wraps his arms around Mars tights.
As they got closer to each other the kiss deepened more and more making them moan through their mouths.

Mars:"mhmm~ nhhgh~"
Earth:"nhhg!~ mmhng!~"
They pulled off the kiss, panting heavily with their tongues out, that were still connected by a string of saliva.

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