Reunited In Pain(2)

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Earth:"What.. What the.. What happend?!"
His voice shaking as he tried to hold his tears
Mercury:"Moon left me alone here! He was gonna look for someone called Titan!"

Earth covered his mouth with his hands, as tears started falling down his cheeks.
Earth:"Titan..! Oh my god.. This is all my fault..!"
He started to hyperventilate

Mercury:"Earth! We have to focus! You wanna fix this? Then we have to hold on untill this two are safe!"
Earth was honestly kind of scared by Mercury's sudden determination, but he kept nodding.

Earth:"so what do you suggest we do..?!"
Jupiter:"Are you two okay? Sun is gonna get real mad if you stay out of your orbit"
Mercury:"Jupiter! You have to help us!"
Earth:"Venus and Mars are terribly injured!"

Jupiter was kind of shocked
Jupiter:"Whoa! Those are some bad injures!"
Earth:"Please..! You have to help us..!"
Earth almost begged.
Jupiter:"I'll see what I can do.. Do you have any idea of what happend thought?"
Mercury:"No... We found them in this state"

Jupiter nodded and took away the two bodies with him.
Earth was traumatized.
He felt so guilty, voices in his head kept repeating "THIS IS YOUR FAULT"
so much that his ears were ringing.

Mercury:"we should go in a safer place... Venus said that the moons are coming for you. Not sure of what he meant, but I have a bad feeling.."

Earth didn't answer, he was lost in his thoughts.
Mercury:"Earth are you listening?"
Earth turned his head to him as his eyes were filled with tears.

Mercury:"...Don't worry, they'll be okay..."
Earth started sobbing uncontrollably
He was even worse than before.
In his head a million of different thoughts formed as he was hyperventilating and having a panick attack.

Mercury:"D.. Do you prefer to be hugged or do you want to let it all out..?"
Earth:"H.. hug.."
Mercury hugged him as he kept crying.

Mercury:"I hope moon knows what he's doing..."

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