Analysis Of The New Episode

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[this is analysis of the episode "The moon revolution part 2"
Please don't take this too much professionally, this is just my personal opinion]

Let's all talk for a moment about the total MESS the moons did, because I'm having NONE of this shit.

My hate for him is GROWING each episode.
Yes, Europa, but all honestly she's not likable because she attacked our two babies (R.I.P Venus and Mars), But Ganymede is way worse.
Let's all remember for a second that he did all of this for fucking BOREDOM.
He went on an exploration with his friends, he found titan and his little revolution thing, and immediately manipulated him with his stupid beliefs like he experienced any of the reasons why Titan wanted to start a revolution.

Second point: TITAN.
Before this episode, I even liked him. He had a cool arc, a cool backstory, a cool personality, and he even had a fair POINT.
No hate on Earth, but Titan was right to do what he wanted to do.
Because he knew the right way to solve all of this, fight words with words.
He just wanted to talk to Earth and establish peace and respect between moons and planets.
But NO. That overgrown lime of Ganymede had to came, manipulate Titan and turn him into another freak.
Okay, last time Titan let go off Luna because he didn't imagined that he could tell the Earth about your plans.
But I am not having NONE OF HIS BULLSHIT.
Because he's the same Moon that wanted to be friend with the planets, and now literally KIDNAPPED AND TAKEN HOSTAGE THE MOON.
And honestly, I was so disappointed from him when he wasn't even that mad that Ganymede and Europa attacked Mars and Venus and just let that slip and let Ganymede manipulate him again.

Third point: Callisto and IO, they are officially my favorite moons, after Luna.
Callisto ate and left no crumbs when she hit Titan with an asteroid. And I was so happy when IO joined Callisto to help Luna.
Honestly, always loved him. He's such a cutie.
So yeah, no criticism on them. They ate.

Fourth point: Moon. Loved him in this episode.
He wanted to make Titan think straight for once, and he seemed to care so much about him. Not much to say, he ate and left no crumbs like he always does.

Fifth point: My personal beliefs.
About the other moons, I think they are acting like brain washed puppets. I mean yeah, they have their reasons, but attacking the moon without even questioning, is kind of messed up. Same opinion on the attack on Mars and Venus.
Phobos and Deimos, they earned so many points. I don't know why, I'm just starting to love them. They way they cared so much about Mars and weren't afraid of showing it😭❤️
Titania. I'll talk honestly, I love her and I think she deserves so much better than Titan. I like the ship, I just don't like titan anymore. I am so tempted to create a fanfiction about Titania dumping Titan and going with Moon instead, so don't be surprised if I will create it someday.
I hope she realizes that Titan is out of himself and tells him off.
I was kind of surprised that Dark side wasn't in the episode, he deserves more screen time fr.
Now our only hope is for one of the Gas giants to go there and stop all of this, I think it would be better if jupiter came because I'm afraid that Saturn would just make it worse with the Titan thing.
And honestly, I would beg on my knees for Alvaro to make Jupiter say the line "you guys are in so much trouble" WITH A DAD-LIKE VOICE.

So yeah overall, loved the episode but hated most of the characters 8/10.
Now I'll go back to praying for Mars and Venus to be alive.
Oh and btw happy new year :P

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