An Unexpected "Hang Out" Session Pt 2 (SMUT)

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[ hey againnn
I guess good luck trying to read this
Warnings: Fingering, oral sex, anal sex
Requested by kotLbozo
Sorry if it took long I hope you like it TvT]

While everyone was doing their own thing,
Uranus and Mercury were having the absolute best day of their existence.
They never felt so accepted and understood.

They were laughing again like two kids, Never wanting this day to end.
Uranus:"Man.. It's such a shame we can't see each other more often..."
Mercury:"Yeah.. I'm stuck with the Sun always controlling me and Venus always calling me Pipsqueak.."
Uranus:"Well what about it?"

Mercury was surprised hearing that question.
Mercury:"Because I'm small.. And he mocks that"

Uranus:"And what about it, Mate? I don't think that looking at the immensity of space he's more important than you, and neither am I. Just because you're smaller doesn't mean you're inferior or less important."

The rocky planet felt like crying after that.
Uranus:"Mercury? Please don't cry, I was trying to make you feel better!"
Mercury:"Sorry.. *sniff*.. That's the sweetest thing anyone ever told me.."
Uranus:"Really..? I was just saying some of the cheesy stuff I think about when I'm alone in my orbit.."

Mercury:"Well.. I would like to hear more"
Uranus looked at him almost shocked,
he thought he would be cringed out by his cheesy thoughts.
Mercury:"Yeah, Ura.."

As he heard "Ura" instead of the stupid name he hated, his head just told him to do it.
Their lips touched, mercury let out a gasp as his rosy cheeks quickly got fire red.
Mercury's hot surface touching with Uranus' Icy one made a sort of steam they quickly noticed.

Uranus looked at him with love-filled eyes, before realizing what he just did.
Mercury stood there with his mouth agape and a red face.
On the icy planet's surface appeared a pink blush.

Uranus:"I-I.. I'm so sorry, mate.. I'm such a bloody fool-"
Mercury slightly smiled, bringing their lips together again.
Uranus was stunned, the blush on his icy cheeks darken.
They felt the steam from their surfaces spreading in their mouths.

It wasn't easy to kiss with such size difference, let alone make out.
But their tongues managed to intertwine, making Mercury let out small muffled moans.

As they pulled away, Uranus looked at the smaller planet with loving eyes.
The smaller planet in question was panting and out of breath, his core heating up every second more.

Uranus:"Sorry if I was too rough.."
Mercury:"N-No.. That was amazing.."
Uranus:"Thanks mate.. I was afraid you'd think otherwise.."
Mercury:"Why would I do that..?"
Uranus:"I dunno.. I'm unexperienced.."
Mercury:"Well, we can learn together.."

Mercury said with pleading eyes, laying his hand on Uranus', yearning for physical contact.
The icy planet gasped at the touch, quickly looked at the hand and then back to Mercury.

The rocky one noticed his reaction and slowly took the hand off of his.
As Uranus felt that, he leaned forward and held mercury's hips.
That left mercury pretty flustered, feeling each other's deep breathing.

Uranus leaned in for another kiss, but before their lips touched he looked at him up and down and whispered on his lips.
Uranus:"Don't take your hands off of me.."
With that, he leaned on his neck and started placing soft kisses while slowly taking Mercury's shorts off.

Mercury:"A-ah..~ Ura..."
Soon enough, Mercury was left with only his boxers on.
Uranus detached from his neck, taking a quick glance at his mate's half-naked body, making him more flustered and failing at hiding it.

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