Stitched Together (AU)

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[WARNING:HEAVY GORE. Stitches, blood, syringe, chainsaw, and else.
This is a different ending after the battle of planets.
A much more angst and violent one.]

The two bodies layed unconscious after such an attack.
Europa:"Are we just gonna leave them here?"

Suddenly, a dark smaller figure got closer.
???:"I'll take them from here."
Europa and Ganymede were almost startled by it, as everyone else.

Europa:"And, who are you exactly?"
Ganymede:"How do we know we can trust you?"
Ceres:"it's Ceres. You can't know if you can trust me, but you want them away from your way, right?"

Europa looked at Ganymede, who was confused, but they both agreed that he wasn't going to be threat.
Not to them.

Europa:"Fine, you can have the bodies. But don't make us regret it or else."
Ceres laughed creepily and took the two away.

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