A Pleasant Incident (smut)

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Jupiter x Saturn. They're married and it's Canon.

WARNINGS: Sexual stuff, Viagra, Oral sex, Anal sex

Oh btw they're humanized]

Saturn was just reading a book,
It was late, the moons were already sleeping.
Suddenly he feels Jupiter shaking his shoulder almost panicking

Jupiter:"Saturn, honey, I have a problem..."
Saturn:"What's that dear?"
Jupiter:"You remember the pills I take for insomnia...? I might've took Viagra accidentally instead of those..."

And with that he showed him his massive boner through his pants.
Saturn's jaw dropped, almost letting the book slip from his hands.
Jupiter:"I know it's been a while since we last done it... I-"

Before Jupiter could continue, Saturn took his hand and locked them in their room.
Saturn got on his knees.
Saturn:"I've missed you.."
Jupiter:"Me too..."

Saturn slowly took off Jupiter's jeans.
His huge cock eager to come out.
Saturn got his mouth closer to this monster dick, breathing heavily on it.


Saturn grinned and brought his dick in his mouth.
He slowly started to lick it and suck the tip.
Jupiter was starting to breathe heavier and groan slightly.

Jupiter:"augh...~ You're amazing...~"
Saturn kept sucking going deeper.
Jupiter:"Harder dear...~"
Saturn sucked harder and deeper.
Jupiter held his head with his hand and gently started thrusting in his throat.

Saturn went along with it.
He twirled his tongue around his length.
Jupiter:"A-Ahh...~ Oh Saturn..~"
Saturn pushed Jupiter's manhood deeper in his throat, little tears forming in his eyes.

Jupiter:"H-honey!~ I'm close...!~"
Saturn was just gonna go harder.
The taste of his partner was motivating him to do his best.
And with one loud groan, he released his load inside of his husband's mouth.

Saturn had his tongue out, panting like a dog.
Jupiter was shivering and shaking,
His dick still rock hard.
Saturn swallowed like the good slut he is,
And then he positioned himself, starting to lubricate himself.

Jupiter was trying to catch his breath.
His cheeks fire red, he felt in heat.
Saturn:"Be patient Jupi~"
The nickname just made it harder to wait.

Saturn was carefully lubrificating his asshole.
He bit his lip, already imagining his lover inside of him.

Saturn:"I'm ready hun~"

Jupiter immediately got on top of him.
As they gazed at each other, Saturn grabbed Jupiter's tie and pulled him closer,
Then whispered in his ear

Saturn:"I'm all yours tonight..~"
With that, Jupiter reached his limit.
He couldn't wait anymore.

He started entering in Saturn's hole.
Saturn:"haa... Calm and gentl-"
Before he could finish, he trusted his whole length inside, completely destroying his ass.

Saturn:"AAAH!~ O-OH JUPITER!~~"
Jupiter:"Augh!~ Saturn...!~"
Saturn digged his nails in Jupiter's back and wrapped his shaky legs around him.

Jupiter started thrusting like there was no tomorrow, letting out moans that got louder and louder with each thrust.
Saturn instead, was completely out of himself.
Mindfucked to the core, and fucked to the prostate.

Saturn:"FUCK ME!!~~ AAUGH!~"
Jupiter suddenly stopped.
Saturn:"w-why did you stop...?"
They kept quiet for some seconds.

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