Desk Of Passion

920 5 13

WARNINGS: oral sex, fingering, a tiny bit of blood, masochism(?), anal sex.


Jupiter was working on his desk.
He was really focused, so he didn't realized a figure behind him getting closer.
Suddenly he felt Saturn's arms wrapping around his neck.

He chuckled and held his hand as Saturn kept giving little kisses Jupiter's cheek.
Jupiter:"Why so clingy all of the sudden?~"
He teased.
Saturn:"You don't like it..?"
Jupiter:"Of course I do...♡︎"

Saturn smiled and got his kisses closer to Jupiter's mouth.
Jupiter pulled Saturn in for a kiss, which the smaller planet blushed heavily at.
They kissed, Jupiter trying to pull Saturn even closer.

Saturn:"what are you trying to do?~"
Jupiter:"you'll see~"
Saturn gasped as Jupiter positioned him on his lap.
Jupiter placed his hands on Saturn's hips,
Saturn played along distending his arms around his neck and shoulders.

They looked at each other like it was their first kiss.
they couldn't help but fell into a deep kiss again.
Saturn's grip tightened on his husband's hair, and Jupiter's grip got stronger on his hips too.

Slowly, they pulled away,
never breaking eye contact.
Jupiter's attention moved on Saturn's neck.
He hugged him tighter, getting his mouth on his partner's neck.

Saturn:"Ngh..!~ Oh honey...~"
Jupiter grinned as he nibbled on his neck.
Saturn's delicate skin getting filled with red marks the more he kissed and nibbled.
Saturn breathed heavily in his ear,
You could easily tell he was enjoying it.

Suddenly Jupiter stopped, he heard steps coming from outside.
Saturn noticed it too, and as he heard the door creaking, he hid under the desk.

Mars:"Jupiter? You in here?"
Mars:"Oh there you are, I need some advices"
Jupiter:"Yeah of course!"

I'm on my knees under Jupiter's desk.
I can hear him talking with who seems to be Mars.
I rub my neck, those nibbles and kisses left it so sensitive..
After catching my breath, there is only one thing that catches my attention.

Jupiter's pants.

One of his legs was shaking, he was so nervous...
I grinned and placed my head between his legs.

Jupiter:"I th-INK you should.."
Jupiter stuttered almost moaning as he felt me between his legs.
Mars:"You okay Jupiter? You look very red"
Jupiter:"I-I must've gotten a common cold.."
Mars:"You want me to call Saturn?"
Jupiter:"N-no no.. He's probably busy right now"

I chuckled silently listening Jupiter saying that.
I started kissing his manhood through his jeans, trying to get him hard.
As you could immagine, it wasn't such a difficult thing to do.

Jupiter was covering his mouth as Mars kept talking.
He tried to muffle his little whimpers and his heavy breathing.

His eyes widened as he felt Saturn taking off his boxers.
Saturn placed his mouth on his hard dick, going up and down with his tongue.

Mars:"I really don't know what to do with the Sun not wanting Mercury to hang out with us.."
Jupiter:"O-oh fuck...~"
Mars:"I know! I mean, he's not a kid anymore!"

Jupiter was trying his best to cover his moans and to be as quiet as he could.
Saturn kept sucking on his tip and stroking his length, he loved hearing his lover struggling to keep calm.

Mars:"So I was wondering if you could talk to the sun about this and maybe leave us some freedom..."
Jupiter:"S-sure will!"
Mars:"Alright, I'll stop bothering you now. You'd probably want to rest"
Jupiter:"I-I'll try to.."
Mars:"Cya Jupiter"
Jupiter:"Bye Mars..."

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