Reunited In Pain(1)

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[this takes place after "the Earth's Redemption", angst warning.
P.S.:i wrote a part of it before the episode "the moon revolution-part 1"]

Earth was finally ready to apologize to Mars and Venus
Earth:"Venus! Mars!"
He kept shouting their names, they weren't in their orbit, which was quite odd.

Mercury:"how about me and moon go search for them in the asteroid belt, and You search in the opposite direction?"
Earth:"Okay.. I'm getting kind of worried"
Moon:"I'm sure they'll be fine, Earth"(Cit.)

Moon said with a reassuring voice
Earth:"Okay.. Good luck"
He smiled and flown away.

Mercury and moon were heading closer to the asteroid belt
Mercury:"maybe Earth was right.. This is pretty worriesome.."
Moon:"Look! I see them!"

Moon pointed two figures in the distance
Mercury:"Why are they.. Still?"
Moon:"yeah, they are not moving at all, that's weird..."

As they got closer, they noticed weird spots on their friends surface.
They looked at each other with worry, and flew faster to reach the two planets.

As they got there, their eyes widened in fear.
Venus and Mars were completely fainted out, with scars all over their bodies.
Mercury and moon were terrified.
Their eyes widening as they were hoping for this to be a nightmare.
Moon:"Guys! Snap out of it please!"

Venus started coughing space dust
Mercury:"Venus! What happend?!"
Venus:"*cough cough*  You have to warn Earth.."
Venus:"The moons.. Are coming for him..."

He said weakly before fainting out.
Moon's face was shocked, he knew what Venus was talking about.
Moon:"I have to get Titan! Mercury, take care of this, I need to see someone."
Mercury:"wait, I can't do this alone!"

Moon was already starting to fly away
Moon:"Take care of Earth while I'm gone, Please.."
Mercury turned to see the two unconscious bodies behind him.
Mercury had no idea of what to do.

Mercury:"Oh my god, oh my god! What the heck I'm gonna do now?!"
He had to get Earth, but he knew that if he saw Venus and Mars like this, it would've been a disaster.

Mercury was frozen in fear, he tried to check on Mars' pulse, but his hand was shaking too much to check on the other's arm
Mercury:"Oh gosh..! I'm screwed...!"

He was about to start sobbing in pure despair, but he saw a blue and green figure walking to him.
Earth:"Have you guys found anything?... I checked everywhere but I haven't found them so-"

As Earth looked at the two fainted bodies and Mercury on his knees shaking and sobbing.
His eyes filled with tears.

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