Pathetically Mine.

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[PART 2 'cause you guys are so impatient to see these two fuck- (¬ ͜ ¬)
Btw I'm seriously starting to love this ship because of their dynamics 😭❤️
WARNINGS: anal sex, deep throat, sadomasochism]


Iris was in his orbit again, even Neptune noticed that he wasn't as cruel and merciless as his usual self.
It was that Planet X again.
He kept thinking of his smile and laughter, he blushed and covered his face.

Iris:"Fuck this might be what I think it is..."
He couldn't bring himself to accept that somebody like him felled in love.
But eventually, he realized he needed to see him again.

Iris started searching in the kuiper belt,
how is it that Gas Giants are so hard to find even if they're giant? Not even Iris knew, he felt like he didn't know anything in that moment!
He never smiled for someone that wasn't screaming in agony.

Before he knew, he was lost.
Not only in his thoughts, but quite literally.
He felt his surface touch something, an asteroid.
He looked at it with his third eye, a drawing of a younger solar system ejecting Planet X out.

Then he heard a familiar voice.
Planet X:"What are you doing here."

Iris hid it, but he was finally relieved he found him.
He couldn't help it, even if he was that unredeemable piece of shit he was purposed to be,
He wanted to be with him. At all costs.

Planet X:"Answer me Iris! You shouldn't be here!"
Iris:"Who are you to tell me where to go?"
Iris smugged cheekily.
Planet X:"Ugh... Just don't look at those drawings... It's old stuff.."

Iris chuckled
Iris:"Someone's embarrassed?~"
Planet X:"N-No! This place just brings back memories.."
Iris:"Oh my stars, now you're gonna get in your self-pity moment again..."
He rolled his eyes.
Planet X:"Why are you even here...Did you miss me too much?~"

Fuck, he was right.
But he kept denying it.
Iris didn't knew why, but he just felt his core heating up whenever he thought about him even for just a second.
Iris:"Shut up I'm not here for you..."
Planet X:"Sure... Whatever you say...~"

Iris grumbled and blushed harder
Suddenly X sat close to him, too close.
Iris:"Wha-what are you doing?!"
Planet X:"just resting a bit.. Thinking about cruel ways to get back to Jupiter and Saturn is tiring y'know..."
Iris held a laugh as X kept leaning on his shoulder.

Planet X:"You know... I don't think you're as scary as you pretend to be."
Iris:"That's offensive."
Planet X:"I'm trying to be nice to you!"
Iris just stood there in a trance.
Why would X be nice to him?
He doesn't get him, and maybe that's what's making him so different in Iris' eyes.

Iris:".. Why would you be nice to me?"
Planet X:"Is there really an explanation? There doesn't have to be one to everything"
Iris:"That doesn't really make sense... But in a poetical way, that's cute of you."
X cheeks brightened before Iris could realize that he spoke too much.

Planet X:"I.. Are you getting soft on me, Iris?~"
Iris:"Haha! You wish!" (THE OWL HOUSE REFERENCE⁉️⁉️⁉️)
X looked at him with sweet eyes as he laughed, his sharp teeth showing clearly.
Then X started leaning closer and Iris stopped smiling.

Iris:"I Uhm..- what do you think you're doing..?"
X laughed.
Planet X:"You're not used to physical touch, are you?"
Iris:"No?? People fear me!"
Planet X:"I'm not a people."
(lets see who gets that reference hehe)

X stood up to look at him in his eyes.
Iris' eyes trembled, he felt his other eyes appearing on his face.
Planet X:"Uhm your eyes..."
Iris quickly fixed them and looked away blushing.

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