Bromance Desires(SMUT)

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[Guys forget what I said I'm not getting a pause from smut.
WARNINGS: collar, buttplug, oral sex, anal sex

Requested by: caxxosies_
situated slightly before "The Battle of Planets"]

Mars and Venus were playing cards, an awkward silence filling the air.
Venus:"Sooo... Are you gonna skip turn?"
Mars throwed a +4
Venus:"Oh fuck me-"

Mars laughed and wheezed at his reaction
Mars:"Anytime you want.."
Mars:"You said it yourself"
Mars:"damn, my bad"

Venus was blushing fire red, Mars seemed so unbothered by this topic.
He just focused on his cards, while Venus desperately searched Mars' eyes.
Mars:"Why are you looking at me like that-"
Venus:" what?"
Mars:"....listen, fine I have another +4 up my sleeve."

Venus held a chuckle, Mars completely missing the whole point.
How naive.
Venus leaned dangerously close.
Mars:"What are you doing? You're gonna see my cards if you get any more closer-"

Venus pulled him into a kiss.
Mars blushed crimson red as he finally realized.
Before Venus could pull away, Mars took the chance to slid his tongue in his mouth.

Venus let out a small gasp, but just let him.
Not like he was planning to do anything different.
Mars grabbed on Venus soft, long, curly hair to deepen the kiss.
Venus' hands wandered on Mars' chest, going from left to right, back and forth.

The kiss wasn't ending, muffled moans from both parts.
Mars eventually falling on top of Venus, Venus hitting his head with a pained groan.
Venus:"You cuck! That hurt.."
Mars:"Heh.. Sorry..."

As Venus opened his eyes he immediately noticed the boner between his pants, completely forgetting about the pain.
He gasped and gritted his teeth while trying to hide it by squishing his legs together.

Mars:"Did kissing made you this red? Damn you're easy to fluster"
Venus looked away embarrassed, kind of relieved Mars didn't notice the twitching dick he had just beneath him.

Mars:"Is your head hurting badly? Let me see-"
In that moment Venus felt Mars' pelvis rubbing on his hard crotch.
He flinched at first and involuntary let out a shaky breath in Mars' ear.

The smaller planet felt something poking him.
Mars:"Hey there's something hard in your pocket that's poking me-"
Mars looked down noticing the hard member bulging out Venus' gym shorts.

Mars quickly looked back at Venus shocked, the horny planet covering his face in discomfort.
A cheeky smug appeared on Mars' blushing face.

Mars:"And you said you were just cursing..."
He mocked as Venus blushed even more.
Mars' hands rested on Venus hips, slowly taking his shorts off.
There was a small spot of precum on Venus' boxers, exciting Mars even more.

Mars:"Didn't actually thought you'd be this excited... Guess I gotta put you in your place..."
He took out a pink choker with a leash.
Venus' jaw dropped at the thought of wearing that.

Venus:"I'm not gonna put that on my neck.."
Mars:"Oh c'mon... Be a good boy for me..~"
Mars:"I'll suck you off"
Venus:"You could've said that before"
The bigger planet sat comfortably and spread his legs as an invitation.

Mars almost jumped on him.
He took Venus' boxers off licking his lips, Venus gasping at the sudden friction between his sensitive cock and the fabric of his boxers.

As Mars saw Venus' fully erected dick in front of him, his eyes lit up.
Venus:"C'mon, get sucking or i won't put your stupid collar on"
Mars:"So impatient..."

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