Reunited In Pain(5)

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(meanwhile Mercury and Earth)

As Earth kept crying in Mercury's arms, eventually Mercury started sobbing too.

The rocky planet was confused, he didn't knew what was happening.
Luna told him about a "Moon revolution", then this "Titan", and he had no idea what it all meant.

Earth:"This is all my fault.. This all my fault..."
Earth kept repeating that as in his head he could feel the voices coming back.
Mercury:"Earth please... How's this your fault?"

Mercury tried to comfort him, but it just got worse.
Earth started mumbling words on words as his head was exploding with thoughts.
Mercury hugged him.
Earth sobbed quietly as his head started to clear.

Mercury:"Let's just wait for Jupiter to give us news, okay?"
Earth nodded and sat down in his orbit.

Earth lied down in his orbit, his eyes dry because of how much he cried.
In his head, a depressing silence.
Like an empty void eating him from the inside.

Meanwhile, Mercury slept quietly in his orbit.
Jupiter:"Hey mercury"
Mercury kept sleeping
Jupiter:"Mercury? Mercury!"
Mercury:"Wha-! Oh hey Jupiter.. You startled me.."

Jupiter:"yeah sorry about that, could you call Earth?"
Mercury:"oh yeah, EARTH!"
He screamed out
Earth quietly flied in their direction
Earth:"what is it Mercury?"
He gasped quietly when he saw the gas giant standing there with his two friends full of bandages in his hands.

His eyes filled with tears.
He hugged them and started crying again.
Jupiter:"careful there! They are very fragile right now and they need a lot of rest"
Mercury:"Thank you Jupiter"
Jupiter:"Don't even mention it, stay safe and keep an eye on them"
The gas giant flown away.

Mercury:"we should let them rest for atleast-"
As he turned around he saw Earth holding on the two sleeping bodies as he kept crying.
He sighed in a mix of sadness and cuteness for how much Earth cared about his friends.

Mercury:"how about you rest with them? So you can also check if they wake up or do anything?"
Earth nodded

Mercury turned around to see that Moon came back
Mercury:"oh hey Luna, you're back"
Moon:"Hi mercury.."
Mercury:"Did you talk with Titan?"
Mercury:"You don't sound happy, did something happend?"

Moon stayed quiet for a moment
Moon:".... No.. don't worry I'm okay.."
Mercury:"well if it makes you feel better, Jupiter helped us and now Mars and Venus are resting with Earth"

Moon:"So.. They're okay?"
Mercury:"They're really fragile and they need a lot of rest, but they should be okay soon"
Moon:"that's good to know...How's Earth feeling?"
Mercury:"He... Cried a lot.. Tried to comfort him, but he's still feeling very depressed"
Moon kept silent.

Mercury:"Let's hope for the best, okay?"
As they turned around in Earth's direction,
They saw the lifeful planet sleeping and cuddling with Venus and Mars.

They smiled as the scene was so adorable and sweet.

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