New Year's Party

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[this is really late.
I changed phone a couple months ago so I lost the chapter, but I managed to find it :P
So yeah, enjoy this ;)

This happens before everything that happened.

By the way the ships are: Mars x Earth x Venus, Saturn x Jupiter, Uranus x Neptune, maybe Moon x mercury too?

They have their human-like forms]

Mars and Earth were playing cards again,
It was the morning of the 31th of December for Earth.
Suddenly he had an idea.

Mars:"Yes Earth?"
Earth:"Today I'm going to complete my orbit around the sun"
Earth:"I was thinking... My Earthlings always throw parties and stuff on this day, what if we threw a party this evening?"
Mars:"Shouldn't we ask the sun? He doesn't want us to leave our orbits"
Earth:"I'll ask the sun if it's okay, can you please do me a favor?"

Mars nodded, Earth leaned to his ear and whispered something.
Mars' eyes lit up and a malicious grin appeared on his face.

Mars:"Im in! I'll go right now, you don't get too close to the sun okay?"
Earth:"Of course..."
Mars:"Stay safe"
And with that mars placed a little kiss on Earth's cheek

Earth blushed and turned to the sun
Sun:"What do you need, friend?"
Earth:"We wanted to throw a party! Could you please let us leave our orbits just for this time?"
Earth:"Pretty please...?"
Earth tried using puppy eyes.

Sun:"Alright fine. But no chaos! Don't make me regret it."
Earth:"Thank you Mr sun!"

[Time skip]
Mars:"Earth! Did you ask the sun?"
Mars:"well what did he say?"
Earth:"He said that we can! Did you get what I asked you?"

Mars showed him the thing he asked for.
Earth:"Aa! You're the best!"
He hugged him tightly.
Mars:"Oh c'mon.. You know that I would take an asteroid for you.."(😭)

Earth:"Alright.. Let's go invite everybody"
Mars:"see you later handsome"
They giggled and give each other a tender kiss on the lips before leaving

Moon:"Ew corny..."
Earth:"Oh c'mon moon!"
Mars:"Yeah, not cool man"

[Time skip]
Earth is asking Venus
Venus:"what Earth."
Earth:"Me and Mars are throwing a party this evening, you in?"
Venus:"I guess I don't have anything better to do... Wait is there gonna be alcohol? You know I can't handle it"
Earth:"we thought about it, don't worry dear"

Venus blushed at the name and grumbled.
Then Earth turned to Mercury
Earth:"Hey mercury!"
Mercury:"Eek! Oh it's you Earth"
Earth:"Do you wanna come to a party this eve?"
Mercury:"Oh- okay ig"
Earth:"Then see you later guys :D"

Earth placed a kiss on Venus' cheek that was still blushing for the previous compliment,
which leaves Venus redder than ever.

Mercury: *chuckles*
Venus:"Shut it, you didn't see anything got it?!"

[meanwhile Mars]
Mars:"Hey Jupiter and Saturn!"
Jupiter:"Hey there Mars"
Saturn:"hey there rocky friend!"
They said with a friendly tone
Mars:"me and earth are throwing a party this evening, you wanna come?"

Jupiter:"oh why of course!"
Saturn:"Wait, is there gonna be alcohol?"
Jupiter:"Then maybe we should leave our moons here.."
Saturn:"but what if they get hurt? What if they get caught in someone else's orbit or get kidnapped by an exoplanet?!"
Jupiter:"don't worry dear, they've been by themselves before. Maybe they would need some free time to talk or else"

Saturn sighed in worry
Mars:"okay... If you could invite Uranus and Neptune too? I'll be searching for pluto"
Jupiter:"Good luck then"
Saturn:"Bye mars, stay safe"

Mars left and began searching for pluto.
He was going through the kuiper belt,
It was really creeping him out.
He kept looking around like something or someone was watching him, and the more far he went, the more cold it would get.

"how do they even orbit here?!" He thought.
After a couple hours of researches, he gave up.
He started hearing laughers and he was getting really scared.
He headed back and went straight to Earth.

Earth:"You're back! Did you invite everyone?"
Mars:"Yeah, couldn't find pluto tho, I was getting really scared in the kuiper belt"
Earth:"no worries, that place is scary fr"

He kissed his cheek.
Earth:"I invited Mercury and Venus, but you know that Venus can't drink"
Mars:"mh yeah I know"

Earth:"Alright, let's prepare the stuff for tonight"

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