Truth Or Dare(3)

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Earth turned red at the saw of Mars' cock, he was absolutely stunned from it
Earth:"So big..."
Mars:"Do you want to be fucked doggy style or do you prefer facing me?~"
Earth:"I could try facing you.. Just.. Be gentle... Please"

He was very nervous at the thought of finally having Mars inside of him.
Of course, Mars noticed.
Mars:"I can hold your hand if you feel nervous..<3"

Smiling lightly, Earth nods.
Earth:"Thanks, Mars...<3"
Mars:"Okay... I'm gonna insert the tip.. Tell me if it hurts"
He took a deep breath, before inserting the tip.

Earth's asshole was tight and warm, making the red planet moan.
He felt the warmth and tightness of his partner's virgin little hole, wrapping around his penis.

Earth:"Mars... It's really.. Really tight.."
Earth whimpered, he didn't want to admit how much it was hurting.
Mars:"I can put more lube if you want..?"
Earth:"Yes please... More lube.."

Mars took out the tip and covered his dick with lube
Earth was trembling from the pain and anticipation.
Mars:"is this enough..?"
Earth:"Yes that should be it.."
His eyes were full of lust and vulnerability.

This time, with all that lube mars hopefully had an easier entrance.
After putting in his cock head, he looked at Earth
Mars:" you feel..?"
Earth:"It hurts.. But I can handle it"
Mars:"maybe this could help.."

Mars started stroking Earth's cock slowly.
Earth:"ah..~ that feels.. Good.."
He kept moaning softly, feeling better.
Earth:"you can go further...I can take more"

Mars started pushing deeper inside of him
Mars:"ngh~ you're tight...~"
Earth:"Yes...yes, just like this...
Mars:"I'll start moving slowly, okay?"

Earth seemed nervous at that question
Mars:"Don't worry, relax and I'll handle this..<3"
He kissed Earth's hand, holding it tight right after.
Earth took a deep breath
Earth:"Alright... You're the one in control..<3"

Mars started moving his hips slowly
Earth:"Nngh..~ I won't let it hurt..."
The red planet noticed his partner struggling with relaxing down,
So he started stroking his cock slowly again
Earth groaned in pleasure at the touch of Mars' hand on his twitching dick.

Earth:"S-so good... Mars...I..."
Earth:"Mars... I'm...starting to feel it... Inside me... It's intense but not painful... Just... Overwhelmingly pleasurable..."
Mars:"Are you about to cum or are you getting overstimulated...?"

Earth:"I... I don't know... It's getting harder to focus..."
Mars:"Do you want me to stop...?
Earth:"N-no... I want this... Keep going... please..."

Mars got closer to Earth, holding his tights close to his
Mars:"I'm gonna start moving again, tell me if it's too much"
As he started thrusting his hip, Earth's gasps arching his back as he feels himself getting closer.

Earth:"Mars... I'm... close... I-I'm going to cum... not too fast... I need..."
Mars kissed his cheek
Mars:"don't worry...I'm here, just relax and enjoy it..."
The red planet was also starting to pant heavily as well

Earth:"Mars~... This feels so incredible..~"
Mars:"It does huh?~"
He started thrusting faster
Earth:"Yes!~ Just like that... Don't stop...~"

Mars felt Earth's walls pulsing around his cock
Mars:"Gaah!~ You're pulsing around me..!~"
Earth:"M-mars... I'm gonna cum.."
At those words, Mars started going faster.

Earth:"Augh!~ Keep Going!~ I need more!~"
Mars started hitting sensitive spots, that really caught Earth off guard.
Earth:"Aaahh!~ Fuck!~"
He let out an high desparate moan

Mars looked flustered at Earth's cock, releasing thick loads of cum.
Earth:"Hnngh..~ Mars... I've never felt so good before... Thank you"
Mars:"Thank me? We're not done yet~"
Earth:"W-wait please... I need to catch my breath for a moment..."
Mars:"yeah I understand if you need a couple of minutes, do you want me to grab you something?"

Earth:"No... Thanks tho..<3"
Mars:"Alright... Before I hump into you again, do you want me to cum inside or outside..?"
They were both flustered from this awkward question
Earth:"Inside... If you want to.."
He whispered

Mars:"do you want to try a different position or..?"
Earth:"do whatever you think it's best, I trust you mars"
Mars chuckled softly as he wrapped Earth legs around his tights

Mars:"Alright... I'm gonna enter again"
Earth nodded, biting his lip in anticipation
Mars started pushing through Earth's sensitive entrance
A soft moan escaping Mars' lips
Earth:" feel amazing..."

Mars smiled softly and give Earth a little kiss on his forehead
Mars:"I'm gonna go deeper.."
Earth whimpered and wrapped his arms around Mars' waist
Mars:"Oh..~ shit..~"
He groaned as he felt Earth's insides wrapping around him

Earth:"Unngh..~ Don't stop..!~"
They groaned and whimpered together as Mars started to hump into him, both completely lost in the sensation
Mars:"I love you so much Earth~"

Mars humped faster.
Earth:"Oh God... Mars..!~"
He closed his eyes, feeling his core melt for the pleasure, bringing himself getting closer with every thrust into Earth's (no longer) virgin little asshole.

Earth:"A-Aah..!~ O-oo..oh~"
Earth rolled his eye to the sky unable to form concrete words anymore, feeling his body becoming a quivering orgasm machine for the feeling of pure ecstasy coursing trought him.

Mars breath was getting more erratic and fast
Mars:"im so close..!~ gaahh...~"
He opened his eyes and lolled em' back just like Earth
Earth spread his legs further for an ever deeper entrance,
I fact, Mars' cock reached Earth's prostate.

As he felt his penis brushing on it, he gasped flustered and pleasured
Earth:"Oh fuck..Mars!~"
He cried out so loud that his tongue got out of his mouth

As Mars humped on Earth's prostate, he felt like he was finally about to ejaculate.
Mars:"I'm gonna cum..!~ Earth..~ Earth..!~"
He screamed out the name of his beloved planet
Earth:"Yes, Mars!~ Cum inside me!~ Fill me with your seed as we cum together!~"
Mars:"Augh!~ your insides are pulsing and tightening around my cock!~ F-Fuck...!~"

Mars cried out a desparate scream as he felt every drop of cum being milked out of him.
Earth:"Ah!~ Fuck..!!~ Oh Mars!~"
Earth cummed too as he felt his ass being filled by Mars' loads of dense and juicy semen

Mars took out his dick of Earth's hole, both huffing like dogs.
Mars:"how...*pant pant* you feel..?"
Earth's ears were ringing, he was exhausted but he felt better than he ever felt in his existence.

Mars:"Earth are you here..? Mars to Earth?"
Earth:"huh...? I feel like I never felt before..~"
Mars:"in a good way?"
Earth:"yeah... I feel so warm.."

Earth voice was raspy and tired, Mars found it adorable.
Mars giggled and kissed his cheek
Mars:"Not a bad first time ey?~"
Earth chuckled at Mars' tease, and leaned into his chest

Mars grabbed his chin and looked him deeply in his eyes before kissing him tenderly
Their hearts beating fast because of the post-orgasmic bliss

Earth:"I've never felt so complete.."
He said with a low and caring voice
Mars:"you mean, so full?~"
Earth blushed deeply but then bursted into a nervous chuckling.

Mars was hypnotized by Earth's laughter,
He never thought he could see him this way.
He carressed Earth's cheek and placed a soft kiss on his forehead.
Mars:"heh... You're so adorable..<3"
Earth smiled softly and giggled

Mars:"Hey.. Do you feel tired too? I don't know if it's because of the alcohol or the s-activity, but I feel like I'm gonna fall asleep.."
Earth:"yeah... I feel like I wanna cuddle with you after all of this.."

He rubbed his head on Mars chest.
As they leaned into eachother, they fell asleep cuddling together.


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