New Year's Party(pt2)

522 10 21

Warnigs: Alcohol. A lot of alcohol.

Jupiter and Saturn were the first to get there.
Mars and Earth organized it to the very detail.
Beer pong table, keg stands, nonalcohalic punch(for Venus), vodka, a LOT of vodka, and a very big stereo connected to Mars' playlist.

Earth:"You're here!"
Jupiter:"Woah, that's a lot of alcohol.."
Mars grinned to himself knowing to have done a good job.

Venus showed up next,
He was wearing a black jacket and generally looking cuter than usual,
Mars and Earth noticed.

Earth:"Looking quite handsome, Goddess of beaut-"
Venus:"shut it."
He grinned his teeth as he said it.
Mars:"jokes apart, we're happy you're here"
Venus looked away trying to maintain his tough behavior.

Mercury awkwardly showed up next,
Right after him, Uranus and Neptune.

[Hour on Earth: 8 PM]
[music playing: I Will Survive-Gloria Gaynor]

Earth:"how about we start with some beer pong?"
Mars:"let's play in pairs"
Earth:"Alright, who's not playing?"
Venus slowly raised his hand,

Uranus:"Venus, can you keep an eye on Neptune? He's not allowed to touch alcohol"
Mars:"why not? Let him have his fun!"

Uranus:"Last time he touched alcohol he nearly crashed into Pluto and he almost drifted completely out of the solar system because he was chasing an asteroid."
Earth:"now I understand why my earthlings have been saying that Neptune is drifting away"

Neptune:"it was the most beautiful asteroid I've ever seen :P"

Venus:"Fine.. I'll keep an eye on him"
He sat awkwardly with neptune while sipping on the punch

[Venus mind]:"Neptune's totally influenceable, if I told him anything vulgar he would think it's normal..."
Venus:"Say neptune, you want to learn some new words with Venus?"
Neptune:"Yes! XD"

Venus grinned to himself knowing what he was about to do.

[meanwhile at the beer pong table]
Jupiter:"don't fill up the cups completely..."
Mars kept pouring until the beer almost spilled out of the cup
Jupiter:"Oh c'mon Mars!"
Mars:"I'll drink the excess"
Jupiter face palmed.

Earth:"Alright so... Me with Mars, Moon with Mercury, and Uranus with Saturn."
Jupiter:"Please, let's go slower this time, because I'm pretty sure you all remember what happend last time"
Mars:"relax Jupiter, that won't happen again.."

Earth and Mars were too good at it,
Luna and Mercury were doing pretty good and Saturn and Uranus were trying their best.
All of them being under Jupiter supervision.

[Music playing: Hit The Road Jack-Ray Charles]
They were having their fun, Mars trying to get drunk, Luna doing a pretty good job, Mercury drinking at every round(poor guy😭), Saturn missing every cup, and Earth and Uranus having a competition.

After many rounds, Earth finally centered the cup
Earth:"Ha! Drink it up Uranus!"
Uranus:"Ah.. Dang it..."

Suddenly Neptune came to Uranus
Neptune:"Uranus, I wanna fuck you :D"
Uranus spitted out all the beer in pure shock
Mars and Earth where wheezing in laughter,
Saturn and Jupiter looked at each other awkwardly,
Luna covering his mouth in shock.

Uranus was speechless.
Neptune:"It means I love you, right? :D "
Uranus immediately understood,
He turned around to see Venus, who had the biggest and most proud smug he ever had.

Jupiter:"Holy sh-"
Saturn and Jupiter rushed to hold Uranus down from attacking Venus, who was still grinning proud of what he just did.

Mars and Earth were still laughing, almost dying of laugher.

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